
发布 2021-05-14 21:36:28 阅读 8830

lesson1 always remember to say please .


一. 场景:

a:help! help!

help! help me ! i need food!

i need water! i need a house, a wife!

b:you must first say “please”!

a:okay, okay! please help me! please give me some food! please give me some water!


a:hey! i said “please”!

b:indeed , but you didn’t say “thank you ”.

二、单词:help, food ,water, house, indeed 确实。

lesson2 how do i get to nanjing road ?


一、场景:man:--pardon me ,can you tell me how to get to nanjing road?

boy:--sure, you can take bus number 21 ,or subway line 1 .

man:--which one is faster?

boy:--if i were you , i’ll take the subway.

man:--thank you !

girl:--excuse me , do you know where the museum is ?

boy:--easy, just go north on shanxi road, it’s about 20 minutes from here. the

museum’s on the left, you can’t miss it.


boy:--you are welcome!

二、单词:bus公共汽车/subway地铁/fast 快/north北面/minute分钟。

lesson3 is kevin home ?


一、场景:bird 1:--i’m bored. is there any way we can h**e some fun?

bird 2:--easy, just watch! ding-dong! is kevin home?--is kevin home?


bird2:--ding-dong! is kevin home?

man:--no, he’s---he’s---he’s not in.

bird1:--ha!ha!--no,he’s---he’s---not in. he’s not in. he’s not in.

boy:--is kevin home?

bird1:--he’s not in .

bird1 and 2:hahaha!--hahahaha!--

二、单词:fun 快乐,娱乐/home/easy/way 方法,方式/watch看/

lesson4 i don’t like peking duck.


一.场景。boy:--hey, this your first time in shanghai?


boy: -do you like the city? rooster:--yes i do.

boy:--how about beijing? rooster:--i h**en’t been there yet.

boy:--h**e you tried peking duck? rooster:--yeah, it’s great .

boy:--hey, buddy, he said he likes peking duck. how about you?

duck:--absolutely not! i do not like peking duck!

二.单词:buddy 好朋友, yeah,是的,absolutely绝对的, duck 鸭子, 城市city

lesson5 what a fat bird.


一、 场景:

penny:--hey, how are you guys doing? 嘿,你们好!

bird234:--fine! how are you?

bird2:--i’m really bored.真无聊.i’m le**ing.我要回家了.see you around!待会儿见!

bird34:--ok, see you later! 好啊,待会儿见! penny:--bye! 再见!

bird3:--sorry , i h**e to go now. i h**e a class this evening. see you tomorrow!

抱歉,我现在得走了, 晚上我得上课明天见!

bird4:--so long! 再见!

penny:--take care! 保重!

bird4:--it’s … it’s getting late. i’m afraid …i h**e to go now. good night!

天越来越晚了. 我恐怕...我得走了. 晚安!

penny:--good night! sweet dreams! 晚安! 做个好梦!


lesson6 mmmm, delicious!

嗯…, 美味啊!

一、 场景:

a:--mmmm,delicious! there’s nothing like fresh mosquitoes!

嗯…,美味啊! 没有比新鲜蚊子更好吃的了!

b:--those mosquitoes really look tasty! 那些蚊子看起来很好吃。

a:--they sure are! you ought to catch some yourself! there’s plenty!


b:--can you give me a hand? 你能帮助我一下吗?

a:--i’d love to. kit, but i’m kind of busy right now!

can you give me a hand?

我很乐意。 小东西,可是我现在没空你能帮助我一下吗?

二。单词:delicious 鲜美的/mosquito 蚊子/tasty 好味道的/plenty 许多/fresh 新鲜的。

lesson7 i don’t like the book.


一、场景:a:--this one is a red-hot best seller!

you’ve really got to check it out. i guarantee you’ll love it !


b:--what a great novel! i love it! 多棒的一本**啊!我喜欢!

c:--this book is too long! 这本书太长了!

d:--what a bore! 这太叫人讨厌了!

dog:--this book is utterly tasteless. 这本书一点没有味道。


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