
发布 2021-05-16 21:41:28 阅读 7240

act1 作息起居。

scene01 起床。

it's time to get up.该起床了。

peter,it's time to get up.彼得,该起床了。

ten more minutes,mom.妈~,再让我多睡10分钟嘛~。

what time is it now?现在几点了?

it's already 8 o'clock.已经8点了。

well,honey,wake up or you'll be late for school.嗯,亲爱的,该醒了,不然你上学会迟到的。

scene02 更衣。

take off your pajamas.把睡衣脱掉。

peter,take off your pajamas.彼得,把睡衣脱掉。

what should i wear today?我今天要穿什么?

it's chilly outside,so don't forget to put on your jacket.外面有点凉,把外套穿上。

how's the shirt?这件衬衫看起来如何?

son,it looks great on you.儿子,你看起来很帅。

scene03 招呼。

how are you?你好吗?

good morning,mom.妈咪早安。

good morning, finally got up.早啊,甜心。你终于起床了。

i'm still sleepy.我还想睡。

did you stay up late last night?你昨晚熬夜了吗?

no,i couldn't fall asleep last night.没有,我昨晚根本睡不着。

scene04 盥洗。

go wash your face.去洗脸。

peter,it's time to eat breakfast.彼得,该吃早餐了!

i am brushing my teeth. 我在刷牙。

alright,you better hurry,your bus is coming.好,你最好快一点,车子来了。

mom~ the toothpaste dropped on my shorts.妈~牙膏不小心沾到我的裤子了!

oh,dear,go get another 'll help you change your shorts.哦,亲爱的,快去拿另一条裤子,我会帮你换上新裤子。

scene05 洗澡。

the bath is ready.洗澡水放好了。

be floor is slippery.小心,地板很滑。

mom,there isn't any hot water.妈妈,没有热水。

turn on the shower.把莲蓬头打开。

it's getting cold.水越来越冷了。

ok,i'll check the yourself with the towel first.好,我来看看热水器。你先用毛巾把身体擦干。

scene06 出门。

the school bus is waiting for you.校车在等你喔。

mom,i'm ready for school.妈妈,我准备好要去上学了。

don't forget to come straight home after school.别忘了放学直接回家喔。

i know,mom.我知道,妈妈。

h**e you got everything?东西都带了吗?

oh,my jump you get it for me?喔,(我忘了带)我的跳绳。妈,能帮我拿一下吗?

scene07 就寝。

it's your bedtime.该睡了。

jenny,you should go to bed now.珍妮,该睡了。

but it's still early.但是现在还早啊。

don't stay up late.不要太晚睡。

but,daddy,i'm not sleepy.可是,爸,我还不想睡。

well,honey,turn off the light,lie down and go to sleep.嗯,亲爱的,(现在)把电灯关了,躺下来睡觉。

act2 学校生活。

scene08 放学回家。

what's the homework today?今天的功课是什么?

daddy,i'm home.爸,我回来了。

do you h**e any homework today?你今天有功课吗?

i'll do it later.我等一下再做。

go and do it now.现在就去做。

can i h**e some cookies first,please?我能不能先吃一点饼干?拜托。

scene09 过得如何。

how was school today?今天在学校过得如何?

how was school today?今天在学校过得如何?

it was great! i made some friends.很棒啊!我交了一些朋友。

really! that's good.真的啊!那很棒啊。

but the lessons this semester are a little bit hard.不过这个学期的课程有点难。

they aren't 'm sure you can do it.它不难,我相信你做得到的。

scene10 介绍同学、朋友。

nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。

mom,this is my friend,andy.妈,这是喔我的朋友安迪。

hi, to our house.嗨,安迪。欢迎来我们家玩。

good to meet you,aunty su.很高兴见到你,苏阿姨。

i'm glad to meet you too.我也很高兴认识你。

mom,can we go play volleyball now?妈,我们能去玩排球吗?

of course,off you go.当然可以,去吧!

scene11 学校情况。

who's your best friend?你最好的朋友是谁?

how many classmates are there in your class?你们班上有几个同学?

there are thirty-six students in our class.我们班上有三十六个学生。

so,how many friends do you h**e?那么你有几个朋友呢?

i h**e a lot of friends.我有很多的朋友。

who's your best friend?那谁是你最好的朋友?

andy is my best friend.安迪是我最好的朋友。

scene12 社团。

what club do you belong to?你参加什么社团?

peter,which club do you want to join?彼得,你想参加哪一个社团?

i h**en't decided about you,andy?我还没决定,那你呢,安迪?

i am a member of the basketball you want to join us?我是篮球社的一员。你要一起加入我们吗?

but i don't know how to play basketball.但是我不会打篮球。

it's 't worry about school coach will train us to play basketball.没关系的,不用担心。我们学校的教练会训练我们如何打篮球。

scene13 运动会。

school aports day is on this saturday.学校的运动会在这个星期六。

jenny,what day is the sports day?珍妮,运动会是星期几呢?

it's on this saturday.就是这个星期六啊。

where is it being held?那在**举办呢?

it's in the sports center at our school.在我们学校的运动馆里。

are you in any competitions for sports day?珍妮,运动会那天你有打进任何比赛吗?

i can run should come to see me.我跑得很快。爸,你要来看我喔。

act3 饮食用餐。

scene14 餐前准备。

wash your hands before dinner.晚餐前先洗手。

mom,what's for dinner tonight?妈,今天晚上吃什么?

we're h**ing beef curry and rice today.今天吃牛肉咖喱饭。

when will it be ready?还要多久才准备好?

in about ten more me set the table first,will you?再大约十分钟吧。可以先帮我摆好餐具吗?

i'm happy to do it.我非常乐意呢。

scene15 用餐时。

it's yummy.这很好吃。

dad,i don't like it.爸,我不喜欢这个。

don't be so 's good for your body.不可以挑食,这个对你的身体很好。

i'm want some water.我口渴想要喝水。

mmm~the soup tastes great!take some.汤的味道很棒!喝一点。

dad,i'm full.爸,我吃饱了。

honey,you should finish your food.亲爱的,你应该把东西吃完。

scene16 外出用餐。

let's eat out.我们去外面吃吧!

honey,do you want to eat out?亲爱的,要不要出去吃?


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