赖世雄初级英语文本 英语和汉语

发布 2021-05-30 18:29:28 阅读 6204

lesson 41

going camping

last weekend, my classmates and i wentcamping. we found a grassy spot beside ariver. we put up our tents and made a campfire.

then, we fished at the river. we hadonly one fishing rod, so we took turns. aftera while, we caught a big trout.

finally, wesat around the fire, roasted the fish and sangsongs. camping is really fun!露营。



露营真有趣!lesson 42

are you h**ing fun?

sally: how often do you go camping7bert: this is my first time.

sally: really? are you h**ing fun?

bert: yes. i'm h**ing a wonderful time.你玩的愉快吗?

萨莉:你多久露营一次?伯特:这是我第一次露营。萨莉:真地吗?你玩得愉快吗?伯特:愉快。我愉快极了。lesson 43

killing two birds with one stone

dan must take a day off tomorrow. he

has to take care of his sick mother. he oughtto talk to his boss, but he's afraid. his bossmight get angry with him.

what should dando? he can take the work home. this way,he can kill two birds with one stone.




这样他就能两全其美。lesson 44

she had a bad gold

mary: where were you yesterday?

jack: i was at home. in fact, i was taking care ofsally.

mary: what's wrong with her?

jack: she had a bad is she getting better?jack: yes. thanks.她患了重感冒。



杰克:她患了重感冒。玛丽:她好多了吗?杰克:好多了。谢谢。lesson 45

what a nightmare!

jeff had a terrible day. he missed thetrain to work. moreover, he had to wait along time for the next train.

as a matter offact, he waited for two hours. to make

matters worse, he left his briefcase on thetrain. as a result, he had to go to the policestation. poor jeff never got to work that a nightmare!




可怜的杰夫那一天根本上不了斑。真是恶梦一场啊!lesson 46

a terrible headache

frank: do you h**e any aspirins?jane : in fact, i don't. why?

frank: i h**e a terrible headache.

jane : well, you should go see a doctor immedi-ately.头痛得很厉害。


简:事实上,我没有。干嘛问这个?弗兰克:我头痛得很厉害,简:那么,你应当立刻去看医生。lesson 47be polite

everyone should be polite. polite peopleshow good manners. moreover, they are

popular. on the other hand, rude people arelooked down upon. rudeness shows poor

education. therefore, why not be polite? a

****** “please,” thank you,” or “you'rewelcome,” can make a big difference.要有礼貌。



“请”、“谢谢你”或“不客气”这几个字虽很简单,却会使情况大不相同。lesson 48

don't mention it

angell: excuse me, chris. could you pass me thesugar, please?

chris: sure. here you thanks.

chris: don't mention it.别客气。

安吉尔:对不起,克里斯。请你把糖递给我,好吗?克里斯:没问题。这就是。安吉尔:谢谢。克里斯:别客气。lesson 49

never talk to strangers

something strange happened to meyesterday. on my way to school, i met a

stranger. he stopped me and said, “you are

betty, aren't you?” no,” i replied. he asked,“you know me, don't you?

” i don't,” ianswered. then he said, “you owe me $100,don't you?”i ran away.

at that moment, iremembered my mother's words: “never talkto strangers.”千万别跟陌生人说话。






”lesson 50

you're sally, aren't you?

george: excuse me. you're sally, aren't you?sally : yes.

george: hi! i'm george. you remember me, don'tyou?sally : no.

george: we met at bill's party.

sally : now i remember. nice to see you again.你是萨莉,对不对?




赖世雄初级英语文本 英语和汉语

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