
发布 2021-05-26 08:00:28 阅读 9756


1) sth. must /can’t/might/could be...

2) sb. must/can’t/might/could be doing…


提示:1. mary和sally的t恤衫都丢了。

2. t恤衫上有长头发。

3. t恤衫口袋里有一张信用卡和一张刘德华的**。

优秀范文】oh,look! there is a t-shirt here. it’s a school t-shirt.

theowner must be a student.

mary and sally lost their t-shirt. could it be mary’s orsally’s? there is long hair on the t-shirt.

but both of them h**e longhair. there is a photo of liu dehua in the pocket. sally likes liu dehu**ery much, but mary’s f**orite star is sun yanzi.

so, it belongs tosally. there is credit card too. then, it must be sally’s school t-shirt because she is the only person who has a credit card in our school.







优秀范文】dear philip,my name is li ming. i am a middle school student. i often listento your program at night.

i like it very much,especilly the englishsongs.

i like the english songs that h**e great lyrics. every night , iwill turn on the radio and listen to your program when i feel tired. ithelps me relax myself.

by the way,i h**e learnt many english words fromthese songs.

at last, i like singers who can sing clearly and write their ownsongs. can you introduce me some singers and their cds? you can send mee-mail at

i am looking forward to hearing you. thank you very much!

yoursli ming



1) you are supposed/expected to…

2) you should…

3) you are not supposed to…





优秀范文】dear tina,i’m very happy to hear that you’re coming to china next hope to see you soon.

as we all know, different countries h**e different customs. sothe manners in china are very different from those in your country. letme tell you something about customs and manners in our country.

first, we chinese are supposed to shake hands when we meet forthe first time. then we greet each other. after that, you can talk aboutsomething relaxing.

but you are not supposed to talk about someone’ssalary, age and so on. second, we use chopsticks to h**e meals while youuse your forks at table. also, it’s bad manners to talk too much whenyou’re h**ing meals.

i hope you’ll h**e a wonderful time in our country.


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