
发布 2021-05-20 17:06:28 阅读 2003



教学过程:step one: greeting

t: good afternoon, boys and girls.

s: good afternoon, fanny.

step two: everyday english:

t: who’s on duty today?

what’s your topic?

s(on duty): daily report

t: now, let’s h**e a free talk. try to say something to fanny.

and if you want, try to say something to the teachers.

s: (与老师交流、对话)

how are you?

whose …?

do you like…?

t: now, class. i want to ask you some questions about your time table.

板书)what time do you…? i… at ….

t: what time do you get up?

s: i get up at six thirty.

t: what time do you …?

s: i… at ….

t: well, do you know my time table? try to ask me.

s: what time do you …?

t: i … at ….

t: now, ask and answer in pairs.

s: (pair work)

step three: review and check: now, what’s the time?

s: it’s….

t: oh, it’s time to begin our new lesson.

揭题)unit 10 review and check

t: look! (多**课件)

who’s this?

s: this is liu tao.

t: is he happy now?

s: no.

a. 失物招领处。

t: what’s the matter with him?

i can’t find my shoes.

出字幕)s: he can’t find his shoes.

t: let’s help him. ok?

let’s go to the lost property office. (屏幕出现“失物招领处”)

t: what can you see?

s: (复习单词) a pair of shoes

a pair of gloves

a sweater

a jacket

t: whose are they? practise in pairs, using:


e …?it’s/ they’re….

s: ask and answer in pairs.

b. 医务室。

t: ok. liu tao’s shoes are here. now look, is he happy now?

s: no.

my friend is ill.

t: what’s the matter now?

字幕)s: his friend is ill.

t: let’s go to the clinic and help him.

s: ok. (屏幕出现“医务室”场景)

t: look, what’s the matter with these students?

s: he’s tired/ ill/ hot/ bored…. 复习单词)

t: try to help them. ok?

板书) what’s the matter? i’m ….


t: (作“冷”状)

s: what’s the matter?

t: i’m cold.

s: here’s a glass of water for you.

t: no.

s: why dont you…?

t: ok.

t&s: 看图自由交谈。

c. 英语教室。

t: ok. they’re fine now. i think you are good doctors and nurses.

thank you.

it’s time to h**e an english class.

let’s go!

look, liu tao is happy now.

字幕)s: ok. (屏幕出现“课堂”场景)

t: oh, look! the teacher is not there.

what’s the matter with her?

s: maybe she’s….

t: let’s try to take her class instead. look at her teaching plan.

屏幕出示“***的教案”)板书:do …,please.


my teaching plan一、 读书p62单词。

二、 朗读p60-61 课文。

三、 做游戏: simon says。

四、 歌谣:don’t be late again。

五、 布置作业:抄写新单词。


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unit6 第1课时教学设计。内容 a let s try.let s talk.一 目标依据。依据新课标,要求小学五年级学生能借助 图像 手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料 能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问 能听懂常用指令和要求并做出适当的反应 能在口头表达中做到发音清楚 语调基本达意 能按要求用简单的英语做...