
发布 2021-05-20 12:37:28 阅读 7574


一. 更换(添、减、换)一个字母使它成为一个新单词。

1. know2. there___3. car __

4. bed5. son6. these___

7. nine __8. bike9. but __

10. back___11. four___12. he___

二. 选择合适的选项,把字母填在题前括号内。

) 1. how old __you? a. am b. is c. are

2. i __eleven years old. a. am b. is c. are

) 4. i go to school __a. bus b. by bike c. walk

) 5. where __you live? a. does b. do c. are

) 6. _tall are you? a、who b. what c. how

) 7. i live __a house. a. in b. on c. at

) 8. this is __orange. a. an b. a c. this

) 10. this is an apple. it’s __red. a. a b. an c. /

11. how old are you?

a. i’m ten. b. fine, thank you. c. how do you do?

12. nice to meet you.

a. nice to meet you, too. b. fine, thanks. c. how are you?

13she is yang qing.

a. who’s this boy? b. who’s this girl? c. are you yang qing.

14it’s yellow.

a. what’s it? b. what colour is it? c. what do you like?

( )15. how’s the weather today

a. it’s very hot. b. it’s li ming’s hat. c. fine, thank you.

﹙ ﹚16. what is the seventh month

a. june b. julyc. august

﹙ ﹚17. what is the fourth day of the week

a. thursday b. wednesday c. tuesday

﹙ ﹚18. mr. woodplay badminton .

a. like to b. likec. likes to

﹙ ﹚22. she likes donuts. he likes donuts

a. two

﹙ ﹚23. i don’t like black. you don’t like black __

a. twob. tooc. either

﹙ ﹚25. january first is

a. teacher’s day b. new year’s day c. national day

26.--is this a cab?--

a、 yes, it is. b、 yes, it isn’t. c、 no, it is.

)32.--it’s june. the weather is __

a、 cold and snowy b、windy and cloudy c、 hot and sunny

三. 找出错误并改正。

1. i am ten year old

2. i’m 1.3 metre tall

3. these are shoe

4. i go to school on bus

5. what tall are you

四。 连词成句。

1. weather, the, how’s, today

2. day, it, is, what, today

5. is, when, spring festival


1、 s__n (太阳) 2、penc__ l (铅笔) 3、cl__ ud ( 云彩)

4、ra__n (雨) 5、forty-t__o (42) 6、ma__ ch (三月)

7、sn__wy (有雪的) 8、w__ndy (有风的)

六。 连线。

1. what is your address? a. it’s eleven o’clock.

2. how tall are youb. by car.

3. what time is itc. my address is 271 ninth street.

4. what day is under the desk.

5. where is the pencil? e. i’m 1.35 tall.

6. how do you go to school? f. today is friday, april ninth.


( )1、当你邀请别人一块去打乒乓球时,你应说:

a、i want to play ping-pong. b、lets play ping-pong.

c、you can play ping-pong.

( )2、当你想告诉同学李明在学校,你可以说:

a. li ming is in front of the school.

b. li ming is inside the school.

c. li ming is outside the school.


a. i see a dog in a red hat.

b. i see a goat in a purple hat.

c. i see a goat in a red hat.

八、选词填空。(10%) my , he , his , she , her )

1. _is a girl . 2. _is a boy .

3. what`s your name ? name is li ming.

4. what`s her name ? name is jenny.

5. what`s his name ? name is danny.


a. is __your pencil , kim ?

b. no , jenny .it is not __pencil .

a. is this danny`s pencil ?

b. no, it is not __pencil .

a. tom has a marker . is this __pencil ?

b. no, jenny . it is not __pencil .

a. whose pencil r is it ? it is __pencil .

my , his , her , this , li ming`s )


1. are you ready __school ?

a. forb. toc. in

2. jenny:good morning, danny. how are you ? danny

a. how are you ? b. good morning . c. fine, thank you . d. i`m fine ,too.

) 3. hello ! are you tom

a. no , i`m not . b. no , i am . c. i`m not . d. yes , i,m not .

4. nice to meet you

a. nice to meet you , too . b.

how are you ? c. hello .

d. glad to meet you .

) 5. sit down ,please

a. thank you . b. i,m fine . c. it's here . d. i,m ok.

6. what’s the weather today

a. very goodb. sunnyc. thanks .

7. what day is itit’s

a. february b. saturdayc. march 10.

) 8. hello ! my namejim green. hello ! i __han mei .

a. am is b. is is c. is am d. am am


) 1. how are youa . it`s sunny .

) 2. how is the weather todayb. fine , thank you .

) 3. nice to meet you . c. .nice to meet you , too .e. very cold .


) 3. 这是一个晴朗的日子。 a. this is a sunny day.

) 4 什么时候了b. when is it?

) 6. 今天天气怎么样c. how is the weather today?


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