英语冀教六下教案U2 L

发布 2021-05-20 09:50:28 阅读 6513

unit 2good health to you!

lesson 7

always h**e breakfast!


1、学会本课中的四会单词:healthy, strong;三会词汇:first, health, last, once2、学习并掌握重点句型:

how often did danny h**e breakfast last week? danny hadbreakfast once last week.3、理解并会朗读短文。





课前准备】tape recorder, **********【教学过程】

step 1:warm-up

duty report.“is everyone here today?” are you often ill?

are you healthy?step 2:presentation

about some pictures, judge which is“strong and healthy”, which is“ill andweak”.

2. how to be healthy and strong?

everyone wants to behealthy and strong. how canwe be healthy and strong?first, always h**e 's good for you!

3. look and ask. look at the pictures, ask and how often did danny h**e breakfast last week?

b: danny had breakfast once last when did he h**e breakfast?b:

at about 7:30 on tuesday morning.

a: how often did kim h**e breakfast last week?b:

kim had breakfast six times last 3:drills

circle the key words you strong, first, health, last, oncestep 4:practise

and write. look at the picture (1) on page21, make you own card. then askand answer in pairs.

2. read and write. look at the pictures (2) on page21,complete the answers accordingto yourself.

then ask and answer in and evaluation

1. look at the picture, h**e a summary.…are good for health.

2. go through the key structures.

3. ask the students to give themselves an

1. copy the key words three times.

2. make a healthy breakfast menu for yourself.


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