
发布 2021-05-20 07:03:28 阅读 4504


一、动词不定式:肯定(to do )否定(not to do)

1、 作宾语:i hope to go to college in the coming future.

但是:my parents hope that i can go to college in the coming future.

类似的动词还有:want, plan, try, need, begin, start, fail, help等。

2、 作宾补:our teacher encourages us to learn all the subjects well.

类似的动词还有ask/ tell/ allow/ want/ wish, help sb. (to) do sth.;

warn sb. not to do sth.

3、定语:there’s nothing to worry about.

4、状语:they did what they could to help the poor child.

5、真正主语:谨遵医嘱很重要。it’s very important

真正宾语:we found it exciting**足球比赛).

6、与疑问词连用:(1)i don’t know how to do it. 但:i don’t know what to do.

2)i don’t know what to do with the old clothes.

3)i don’t know what to (说)about such a kind of thing.

8. 常用不定式的句型:

吃中饭的时间到了。it is time

我别无选择只能等待他。 i h**ehim .


make\ let\ h**e sb. _do) sth.

see\ hear\ findotice sth. 表示看到、听到、发现、察觉某人___做某事或者做某事的全过程。

例如:1)you’d better上课别迟到).

(2)would you please别在公共场所吐痰).

3)the thermos使我感到很口渴)。

但:① they made fire to keep warm.

he was made to copy the words.

二、用v+ing 的几种情况:

1、介词后:be afraid of落后),without说再见)

stop wind from刮走土);

2、 固定短语:go surfing, do some washing, be busy讨论);

keep尝试新的想法);keep me久等),写完作文finishwould you mind me sitting here?

考虑做某事suggest me走)

习惯吸烟: be used to


献身于教育 she devotes herselfteaching).

3、see\ hear\ findotice sth. 表示看到、听到、发现、察觉某人___做某事。

注意:1、before, after, when, while, since 等连词也可以用作介词,后跟动名词。

before h**ing lunch, after graduating from college,

while riding along the road, since reaching here。

2、prefer doing… to doing = prefer to do… rather than do sth.

例如:i prefer staying at home to going to see a film.

i prefer to stay at home rather than go to see a film.

3、有些动词后跟to do和doing有区别:

1) stop to do sth:let’s stop to h**e a rest停下来去做另一件事)

stop doing sth:stop talking! listen to me, please! (停止正在做的事情)

2) go on doing sth:they went on working in the fields. (一直做同一件事)

go on to do sth:after he finished his homework, he went on to watch tv.


(3)forget to do sth:don’t forget to lock the door when you le**e.(忘记要做某事)

forget doing sth:mr green forgot telling us the story. (忘记做过某事)

4) see sb. do sth:we often see her play the piano. (做过或经常做的事)

watch doing sth:i heard her playing the piano at that time. (正在做的事)

三、 过去分词。

1. a book written by lu xun , 表示作___语成分。

2. 易混淆短语区别。

一则令人吃惊的新闻 a piece ofnews

一个吃惊的人 aman

一场感人的电影 afilm

一群感动的人 a group ofpeople

developing countries国家。

developed countries国家。

the rising sun的太阳。

the risen sun的太阳。

3. the boss had his workers一天工作12时)

the boss had his car让人修理他的车) yesterday.

总结: h**e sb. do sth

h**e sth. done 表示让某事被别人做。

专题训练:1. the boystand) there was found smoking in the classroom.

2. there was once a manname) hobo.

3. i say himswim) in the river when i walked past.

4. the boy lay on the grasslook) at the sky.

5. there are some lanternshang) on the wall.

1. (2016株洲)the chinese team are working hardhonors in the 2016 olympic games.

a. to winb. win c. winning

2. (2016桂林)my brother is a humorous young man. he often tells jokes to make us

a. laughingb. laughc. to laugh

3. (2016上海改编)after she finishedthe story, alice wrote a review for her school news*****.

a. readb. readsc. reading

4. (2016天津改编)i wanted to see the beijing opera, so lingling offeredme to watch one.

a. takeb. takingc. to take

5. (2016内江改编)bad luck! the film star had her legwhile playing a part in a film.


动名词。1 主语 swimming is dangerous for us.泛指 区别 to swim in this river is dangerous for us.具体指 it is no use not any use not any good a waster of time usele...


动名词。1 主语 swimming is dangerous for us.泛指 区别 to swim in this river is dangerous for us.具体指 it is no use not any use not any good a waster of time usele...


动名词。1 主语 swimming is dangerous for us.泛指 区别 to swim in this river is dangerous for us.具体指 it is no use not any use not any good a waster of time usele...