中考英语非谓语动词语法解析 三

发布 2021-05-15 10:21:28 阅读 6252



1.当不定式用于let, make, h**e等使役动词后作宾语补足语时,不定式不能带to。如:

i will h**e her post the letter.我要叫她去寄信。please let me know what happens.


they made me repeat the whole story.他们非让我把整个事件再说一遍。但是,当使役动词用于被动语态时,要补上在主动语态中省略的to。

如:she must be made to comply with the rules.必须让她遵守规则。

2.当不定式用于感觉动词(如see, hear, watch, notice, feel等)后作宾语补足语时,不定式必须省略to。如:

i heard him say so.我听到他这样说。

i saw the train come into the station.我看到火车进站了。i watched her get into the car.我看着她上了车。


the woman was seen to enter a bank.有人看见这个女人进了一家银行。


they helped us (to) move it.他们帮我们搬动它。

i can help (to) cook and wash up.我可以帮忙做饭和洗碗。

昂立外语:考例1】the woman made his sonfinally after she told him some jokes. (吉林通化中考题)

a. laughedb. to laughc.

laughd. laughing【分析】答案选c。当make用作使役动词时,若其后接不定式作宾语补足语,该不定式不能带to。

又如:they made me repeat the whole story.他们非让我把整个事件再说一遍。

【考例2】theglobalfinancialcrisis(金融危机)hasmademanypeople___theirmoney. (江苏宿迁中考题)

a. to care forb. took care ofc.

be careful withd. to be cared about【分析】答案选c。当make用作使役动词时,若其后接不定式作宾语补足语,该不定式不能带to。

又如:they made me repeat the whole story.他们非让我把整个事件再说一遍。


能后接不定式作宾语补足语的动词很多,但中考英语中经常涉及的只有少数几个,即ask,tell,order, use, want, warn, wish等。如:

he asked me to get the car ready.他叫我把车准备好。the doctor told me to give up smoking.

医生叫我戒烟。he ordered us to be quiet.他命令我们安静。

people use a knife to cut things.人们用刀切东西。

he warned me not to going out at night.他警告我不要晚上出去。

my parents wanted me to h**e a good education.我的父母想要我受到良好的教育。注意,动词hope习惯上不用于以上类似表达,所以当表示汉语“希望某人做某事”时,不能用hope sb to do sth。


误:mr smith hopes all of his students to pass the test.正:

mr smith hopes that all of his students can pass the test.

考例1】my roommate often asks meher to play chess. (山西中考题)a. teachb.

teachingc. to teachd. teaches【分析】答案选c。

考查ask sb to do sth(叫某人做某事)句式。又如:she asked him to wakeher at 6 o’clock.


考例2】he’ll use what he hasher a new dress. (江苏无锡中考题)

分析】答案选b。考查use sth to do sth(使用某物做某事)句式。又如:i use knife to cutthe apple.我用刀子切苹果。


当非谓语动词用作目的状语时,通常要用不定式,一般不用动名词或分词。如:i stayed there to see what would happen.

我留在那里看看会发生什么事。eat to live, but do not live to eat.要为了活着而吃饭,不要为了吃饭而活着。

当需要强调时,可在不定式前加上in order或so as。如:

in order to get into a good school, i must study even harder.为了考入一个好的学校,我必须更加用功。

i’ll write down his telephone number so as not to forget it.我要把他的**号码写下来,以免忘记。

昂立外语:考例1】more and more young people are trying to do somethingthe old. (河北中考题)

a. servedb. to servec.

served. serves【分析】答案选b。其中的不定式to serve the old用作目的状语。


考例2more about tomorrow’s weather, call 121.—ok, i will. thank you. (扬州中考题)

a. knowb. knowingc.

to knowd. known【分析】答案选c。此处填不定式表目的。

中考英语非谓语动词语法解析 六

昂立外语 三 易错陷阱。陷阱1 在what one can后误接动词原形。大家知道,在情态动词后要用动词原形,不能用不定式,也不能用动名词或分词等。如 he can both speak and write japanese.他既能说日语也能写日语。you must break away from ...

中考英语非谓语动词语法解析 四

昂立外语 考点9 考查不定式在特殊搭配中的用法。英语中有不少特殊结构要与不定式搭配,下面略举几例 1.在too to do sth 太 以至于不能 结构中,动词习惯上要用不定式。如 he is too old to do any work.他太老了,不能做工作了。we are too tired t...

