
发布 2021-05-20 06:54:28 阅读 8963


1. 主语 swimming is dangerous for us.(泛指)

区别:to swim in this river is dangerous for us.(具体指)

it is no use / not any use /not any good /a waster of time /useless doing。

2. 表语 her job is teaching.

3. 定语 a working table ;a hiding place

4. 宾语只能接-ing形式的动词:advise,**oid,allow,consider,delay,dislike,enjoy,escape,finish,forbid,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practise,permit,risk,suggest

区别:(1)forget /remember;go on;mean;regret;stop; try ;can’t help + doing /to do

(2)need /want /require +doing / to be done

(3)注意与to搭配的词组:devote to /look forward to /stick to /be used to /get down to /pay attention to

(4)h**e a good /hard /wonderful time (in)doing/h**e trouble/difficulty in doing sth.

(5)there is no good /use /need doing

不区别:start, begin ,continue ,intend等后)+doing /to do

但以下三种情况只用跟to do (1)ice began to melt.

2)it is beginning to rain.

3)i began to understand (realize/believe/know) him.

5.动名词的复合结构: 动名词可以有逻辑主语,通常是形容词物主代词(my,his,there)或名词所有格(mary’s,li ming’s)。


the noise of desks being opened and closed could be heard out in the street.

a)desks’ being closed and opened (b)desks ’ opening and closing(c)desks opening and closing (d)desks being opened and closed.


(1) he was awakened by___on the window.

(a) someone knocking (b) someone’s knocking

c) some to knockd) someone else to knock

2)do you think of that being true?

3)do you believe their team winning the match?


(1) -what’s wrong with the old man?

--_from school for nothing has made him mad.

(a)his son is absentb)his son being absent

c)his son’s being absent (d)his son’s being absence

2)his coming made me very happy.

(3) she didn’t mind his crying.

6. 动名词的被动,完成式。

i’m sorry for h**ing broken my promise.

i won’t go there without being invited.

不定式。一。 主语。

to be here is a great pleasure。

it is a…….

it is possible for you to finish it in time?

it is wise of him to say so.

二.表语 .平衡性:to see is to believe

名词:plan ,hope, wish, duty ,aim, suggestion ,idea, intention


my (hope)plan is to make better use of these materials.

what i would suggest is to start work at once.

省略to : all i did was empty the bottle.

what i really wanted to do was drive all night.

三.宾语:1. 接to do 2.接疑问词to do (show, know,teach…)

形式宾语:find it difficult ( a pleasure) to do……

四。宾补:1. see ,hear, watch, notice, h**e…

2. h**e . make .let ……

3.很多词后接to do作宾补。

ask, want, allow…… do, ,

4. find, consider, think, believe, know ,imagine, feel, judge…… 后接to be [,

5.介词短语wait for/long for/wish for/depend on /wish for. sb. to do

转被动加to. the car was seen to stop.

h**e不用被动) let后单音节不定式不带 to. they were let go

五。定语。h**e….to do the way to do

there be……to do the first to do

i need a chair to sit on. /here is a book for you to read.

i’ll go to beijing . do you h**e anythingtake) there.?

i’ll go to beijing. i h**e a lot of thingstake) there.

六.状语。1. 目的: to do /in order to do /so as to do

she bought a bike to go to school more quickly.

i stopped for him to speak to me.

句首:to do / in order to do

2. 结果:she woke early to find it was raining.

/she went back home to find there was athief in her house.

she went abroad never to return.

he went back only to find everything stolen. (意料不到的结果)

so ….as to would you please be so kind as to help me?

such…as to he is such a fool as to believe them.

enough to

too…to 表肯定 he is (only) too glad/happy/anxious eager/ ready/willing /thankful to…

固定搭配:h**e no choice but to do 别无其它选择只得…

can’t choose but do

can’t help but do

can do nothing but do


--would you go there? -i’d like to, but i’m too busy.

如在不定式结构中有be ,h**e ,h**e been,保留这些词。

--i didn’t tell him the news. -oh, you ought to h**e.


动名词。1 主语 swimming is dangerous for us.泛指 区别 to swim in this river is dangerous for us.具体指 it is no use not any use not any good a waster of time usele...


动名词。1 主语 swimming is dangerous for us.泛指 区别 to swim in this river is dangerous for us.具体指 it is no use not any use not any good a waster of time usele...


动名词。1 主语 swimming is dangerous for us.泛指 区别 to swim in this river is dangerous for us.具体指 it is no use not any use not any good a waster of time usele...