
发布 2021-05-19 07:51:28 阅读 2754

unit 1 friendship期末总复习练习。

1. 基础训练。

1) 单词拼写。

1. children today spend more and more time inside the house instead of playing在户外).

2. sarah sounded伤心的)when i said you wouldn’t go shopping with her.

3. i made a suggestion but they chose to忽视) it.

4. i am very感激) to all those who took the trouble to write to me.

5. in face to danger, it’s very important to keep镇静的).

6. when ii rains, why do we see the lighting first; then hear the雷)?

7. there is a窗帘) hanging before his window in the bedroom.

8. if you can guess correctly, i would like you to be my language exchange伙伴;搭档).

9. it will be a long time for him to恢复)from the bad cold..

10. my son has定居) happily in america.

11. she完全) accepted my judgment.

12青少年) are damaging their health because they play computer games too much.

13. this is one of the项目) in the agreement.

14. the radio didn’t work because of a松的) connection in the wires.

15. the word is not used确切地)in the way we use it today.

16. she不喜欢) being disturbed so often.


1vt. 不理睬;忽视n. 无知adj.无知的,不了解的。

2使担忧;涉及;关系到n.担心关注adj. 担心的;有关的prep.关于;有关。


4n.能力;力量;权力adj. 有权势的;强有力的。

5n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人n. 伙伴关系;合作。

6vi. 安家;定居;停留vt.使定居;安排;解决n.协议;定居。

7vt.& vi.遭遇;忍受;经历n.痛苦;苦难。

8vi& vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得n. 恢复;重新;痊愈。



3) 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. it is hard to imagine the pain andsuffer) they went through in the war.

2. the doctors had given her up but she made an excellentrecover).

3. try not to sat anything about the idea until you h**e understood itentire).

4. it is beyond mypowerful) to finish the task in two hours.

5. to be honest, i knowexact) how she felt.

6. our parents areabout our health and future. as far as i’mwe should talk with our parents and tell them ourconcern)

7. a few peoplewhile most peopleso nowas made.(agree)

4) 短语必背。

1. my father often works deep into the night so we担心他的健康).

2. i记下)all the folk stories in the local area as they were told to me. would you like to h**e a look?

3. since you厌烦)going to the office every day, why not look for another job?

4. after a three-month investigation, the police decided that the fire was started故意地)。

5. his business expenses加起来大约是4000美元)a year.

6. since we all live under one room, we should learn如何相处好) one another.

7. that was the last time that he与父亲面对面地交谈).

8. we were surprised by小女孩的经历)when she was cheated and sold to the mountain village.

9. will you和我一起)looking for a present for my best friend?

10. please整理好一切东西)before you le**e.

11. this autumn the bbc will be showing一系列法国电影).

12. you’re too excited. we will discuss the problem当你冷静时).

5) 短语归纳。

1合计 2使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来。

3关心;挂念 4经历;经受;完成;仔细检查。

5记下;放下;登记 6一连串的;一系列的;一套。

7故意地;有目的地 8在黄昏时刻。

9面对面地 10遭受;患病。

11对…厌烦 12将(东西)装箱打包。

13相处;进展 14相爱 ;爱上 15加入。


1. 在遛狗的时候,你不小心松了手,结果狗被一辆汽车撞了。

you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.

2. 她与家人藏躲了将近二十五个月之后才被发现。


高一年级英语期末复习。unit1 friendship 单词过关。班级姓名学号。一 单词。1 心烦意乱的 不安的 adj 使不安,使心烦 vt 原形,过去式,过去分词。2 不理睬 忽视。3 使平静 使镇定v.平静的 沉着的adj.4 使担忧 涉及 关系到vt 担心 关注 关系n.5.在户外 在野外。...


必修一 units1 5 词形转换。一 单词词形变unit1 1.concern vadj 关心的,有关的。2.entire adjadv 完全地。3 suffer vn 痛苦,苦难。积满灰尘的。不喜欢,讨厌。孤独。不同意。定居者n.定居。恢复,复原。强大的。nvt.建议,劝告。vn 交际,沟通。v...


i.重点单词。 nadjadv2.harvest 3.庆祝 祝贺nv4.starve vn 5.origin nadjadv 6.信任 信心 信仰nv 7.到来 到达 到达者nv8.gain vt 9.dependindependenceindependent 10.集合 聚集 搜集...