中职英语基础模块1期末复习课文翻译6 10单元

发布 2021-05-19 06:21:28 阅读 2210


第六单元 would you like to order?

tang hua: hi, sara. do you want to eat out?

sara, 你想出去吃饭吗?

sara: yes. do you like chinese food or western food?


tang hua: i’d like some western food


sara: what about yueguang restaurant?


tang hua: well, i think meiwei western restaurant is better.


it’s farther away than yueguang, but the food is more delicious. 它比月光餐厅远一些,但那里的饭菜更好吃。

sara: ok, let’s go. 那好,咱们走吧。

waiter: would you like to order now? 你现在可以点餐了吗?

sara: yes, i’d like beef steak嗯,我要一份牛排。

waiter: well-done or medium你想要全熟还是半生的?

sara: well-done, please全熟。

waiter: would you like something to drink? 想来点儿饮料吗?

sara: a glass of orange juice, please请给我来一杯橙汁。

waiter: beef steak well-done and a glass of orange juice.


sara: right. 是的。

waiter: what about you, miss? 小姐,您呢?

tang hua: the same, please. 和她点的一样。

waiter: all right. wait a minute, please. 好的,请稍等。

第七单元 can i speak to wang yang

wang yang’s mother: hello! 你好!

ben: hello! this is ben. can i speak to wang yang?


wang yang’s mother: this is his mother speaking.

wang yang isn’t in at the moment.


may i take a message?


ben: ok, thanks. please tell him to come to school this afternoon.


i want to play basketball with him.


wang yang’s mother: all right. i’ll tell him.


ben: thank you. good-bye! 谢谢,再见!

wang yang’s mother: you’re welcome. bye! 不客气,再见!

tang hua: hello! this is tang hua. may i speak to sara?


sara’s roommate: hold on, please. 请稍等。

a moment later . 过了一会儿)

sara: hello! this is sara speaking. 你好,我是sara。

tang hua: hi, sara. this is tang hua. what are you doing now?


sara: i’m washing my clothes. what’s up?


tang hua: i’m playing badminton with xiaonian at school.


sara: oh! i like playing badminton best. 哦,我最爱打羽毛球了。

tang hua: would you like to join us? 愿意来和我们一起玩吗?

sara: of course! i’ll come soon当然愿意,我马上来!

tang hua: good! see you好的,一会儿见!

第八单元。a: excuse me. how can i get to the nearest supermarket?


b: go along the road and turn right at the first crossroads.

向前走到第一个十字路口右转,then turn left at the traffic lights.


a: is it by the roadside是在路边吗?

b: yes. it’s just on your right. 是的,就在你的右边。

a: how long will it take me to get there? 到那儿要用多长时间?

b: about ten minutes. you can’t miss it. 大概十分钟吧!一定能找到。

a: i see. thank you知道了,谢谢你!

in the street, sara is talking to a man.


sara: excuse me. could you tell me the way to beihai park?


man: no problem. would you like to go by bus or by subway?


sara: i’d like to take the bus. i want to h**e a look at the city.


man: you can take no. 4 bus. it takes about 30 minutes to get there.


sara: where can i take it? 在哪儿坐车呢?

man: the bus stop is in front of the art museum.


sara: thank you. anyway, i h**e to find the art museum first.


第九单元。zhang yan: good afternoon, miss tang. 下午好!唐小姐。

tang hua: good afternoon! what club do you like to join?


zhang yan: i’d like to join the english club. 我想参加英语俱乐部。

tang hua: what qualifications do you h**e? 你具备相关的条件吗?

zhang yan: well, i like english and i can sing many english songs.


tang hua: that’s great! now fill in this form, please.


at the entrance to the english club.(在英语俱乐部的门口)

ben: hi, wang yang! welcome to the english club!


wang yang: hi, ben. i’m so glad to be here.


by the way, how much is the membership?


ben: well, it’s free. 不需要会费,是免费的。

wang yang: that’s great! and i’d like to know the schedule of the club.

太好了!另外,我想看看俱乐部的日程安排,where can i get it? 在哪能看到呢?

中职英语基础模块1期末复习参考知识点6 10单元

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