新初二 1 部英语预习案

发布 2021-05-18 13:58:28 阅读 3800


刘晓峰(编写) 花艳 (审核)

8a unit1第 1 课时。


1. 没有其他的2. 再吃些食物。

3. 一个诚实的男孩4. 保密。

5. 使我快乐6. 相信他的话。

7. 有困难8. 分享我的快乐。

9. 如此特别10. 相当重要。


)1. i’m hungry, can i h**e

)2. there is a big cakeshare it.

)3. it’s so difficult a question. i think he will h**e problems

)4. i believebecause he ishonest man.

)5. there aren’t enough chairs in the room. would you pleasehere?

)6. i’m going tothem something about our new school.

)7. -which word can’t describe (描述) appearance(外貌)?

)8. -where __will you go, children?

---let’s go to yangzhou, a nice and modern city.

)9. what do you thinkyour friend so special?

)10. i foundhelpful of you to give your seat to someone in need on the bus.


1. 你想来些喝的吗?

b. 不,谢谢。

a. ?b. .

2. 冰箱里没有什么其他的东西了,你能帮我买些回来吗?

3. 也许我们可以合住一个房间。

4. 我认为保持教室的干净整洁很重要。

5. 我能和他谈任何事情因为他能保守秘密。


1. i’m very hungry, so i’m feeling weak.

i’mhungryi’m feeling weak.

2. how do you like the story book?

do youthe story book?

3. i can always talk to him when i h**e problems.

i can always talk to him when i’m

4. thank you for lending me your dictionary.

it’sme your dictionary.

5. are there any other things in the bag?

therein the bag?

第 2 课时。


1. he’d like to share everything with his friends. he is g

2. she never tells lies(说谎). i believe what she says. we all think she is very h___

3. he always helps me with my problems. he is very h

4. she does well in singing and dancing. she is a m___girl.

5. i can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. she is a tfriend.

6. he’s good at telling jokes. he has a good sense of h


1. kate wants to be asing) when shegrow) up.

2. betty ishelp). she’s always readyhelp) people any time.

3. jack plays the pianogood). his parents think he’smusic).

4. he has a good sense of humour. i never feelbore) orhappy)

when i’m with him.

5. she has awonder) friendname) kitty.

6. the small roundglass) make himlook) smart.

7. he was late for school yesterday because ofget) up late.

8. are youwillsing) us an english song?

9. betty works hard. she studies ascare) as may does.

10. when somethingworry) me, i can always go to her.

第 3 课时。





7.使某人大笑8. 对某人慷慨大方。


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