初二英语u1复习卷 5

发布 2021-05-18 04:35:28 阅读 4813

出卷人: 郭思思审稿: 张伟。

一. 单词拼写 10

1. daniel had anwith the host of the show yesterday. (采访)

2. please make as manyas you can. (句子)

3. i like sportsbasketball. (尤其)

4. there is more and morein the recent years. (污染)

5. jim hasa car since two years ago. (拥有)

6. it’s your duty to pretect the woldlife and环境)

7. the changes h**e brought many好处)

8. our family loves in thepart of town. (南部)

9. we must prevent the facrories from dumping irsinto the river. (废料)

10. there h**e been many newin the city. (新发展事物)

二. 单词首字母 10

1. i didn’t know it was you. you h**e ca lot.

2. my uncle has rover ten bikes since last monday.

3. a cmeans 100 years.

4. the station has been in ssince 1969.

5. my parents got min 1960.

6. it's ito speak to the old rudely.

7. there ‘re two english-and-chinese don the desk.

8. she has got an old photo and a rphoto of the town.

9. the park has become one of the tourist ain the town.

10. we shoukd rthe pollution and make our city cleaner.

三. 词形转化 10

1. it’s thecheap) one of the two bikes, i will buy it.

2. tom is very strong. he is thehealth) in our class.

3. my parents often tell me to drivesafe ).

4. the noise is very terrible. it made people verycomfortable).

5. your answer iscorrect). you must correct it.

6. water pollution ispleasant).

7. china is acountry . theof our county will bring us a good life. (develop)

8. it’s ause) book . please throw it away.

9. do you livelonely) ?no, i live with my son.

10.millie organized her ideas byuse) a fact file.

四. 词组 10

1 这个单词的反义词2 看一个展览。

3 新鲜蔬菜和鱼4 过去常住在老房子里。

5 采取行动减少污染6 时不时感到有点孤单。

7 打牌及小中国象棋8 写篇关于变化的报告。

9 把这地方变成公园10 搬到另一幢公寓楼。

五. 动词填空 10

1. in the past, welive) in small villages, but now many of themmove) into new flats.

2. the bowl is empty. heeat) the food.

3. lucybe) away from home for almost four years.

4. it’s the most interesting film hesee)

5. tomstay) here for an hour since hecome) here.

6. sorry, mr wu. my homeworkfinish) yet.

7. wherethe charity showhold) in two days?

8. whotake) my pen away? i can’t find it.

9. the policestudy) the special photo tomorrow, aren’t they?

10. many cars and taxispass) the post office just now.

六. 完成句子 10

1. 事物近些年来改变了许多。

thingsover the years.

2. 我们国家自从2024年来发生了巨大的变化。

in our country since 1980.

3. 新机场投入使用10年了。

the new airportfor 10 years.

4. 过去这个村里有条被污染的河流。

therein the village.

5. 我们的邻居已经搬到其他地方了, 我们见到他们已经变的更难了。

our neighbours h**eother places. it hassee them.

6. 因为这些变化,一些动植物失去了他们的生活区域。

some animals and plantsbecause

7. 这家工厂过去常常把废物倒进河里。

this factoryinto the river.

8. 他正在写一篇关于他家乡变化的报告。

heabout the changes

七. 句子翻译 10

1 我和你的感觉是一样的。

2. 我的父母已经结婚30周年了。

3. 飞舞里的毒药杀死了鱼和植物并污染了河。

4. 因为独自一人他感觉不开心。

英语u1 u5知识点复习

u1笔记。1.博物馆商店。2.想要买。3.i ll 完整形式。4.ask 对应词。5.一个会说话的机器人。6.紧挨着。7.city 复数。8.postcard 复数。9.多有趣的一场电影。10.know 同音词。11.italian 名词形式。12.在东方街道上。13.在书店处向左转。14.在医院处...


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U1 U6复习

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