初二英语下1 3单元练习

发布 2022-07-07 20:31:28 阅读 5541



短音或小口型发音: /iie/

长音或大口型发音: /ai:/ u:/

巧记顺口溜: a o e i u 读音和拼音差不多 双元音:

结尾】a i/e ii结尾】i/a尾】


清辅音: /p/ /t/ /sk/ /ft/ /tr/ /ts/

浊辅音: /b/ /d/ /z/ /d/ /g/ /vdr/ /dz/


单独记: /r/ /h/ /m/ /nl/ /w/ /j/


unit 1 will people h**e robots?(1)

重点单词。will将,将要 robot机器人 *****纸张 fewer更少的 tree树

building建筑物 space太空 fly飞moon月球,月亮

重点短语。on computers在电脑上 on *****在纸上live to be 200 years old活到200岁

in college 上大学 be able to 会做某事。


everything will be free.

—will people live to be 200 years old?

—yes, they will./no, they won’t.


—what do you think sally will be in five years ?

—i think she’ll be a doctor.

—i think there will be more pollution.

—well,i don’t agree./i agree.

练习题:section a


are___people in the park on sundays than usual.

is __pollution in the countryside than in big cities.

3.—isn’t jack back yet?

no,but i think he___in half an hour.

returned return

___more workers in this factory next year.

going to be going to be

going to h**e h**e

___has killed much of the river’s life.



what do you think your brotherfive years?


there’sin the air here.


everything will be


peoplemoney in the


can people00 years old?



1.—when __you __le**e)here?

in a week.

___write)you a letter next week.

as soon as she comes back.

___play)basketball with our friends this sunday.

the world in the future.

month my brother___be)twenty years old.

weather __be)fine tomorrow.

up!the train___le**e)in five minutes.

___know)the result tomorrow.

went abroad.


unit 1 will people h**e robots?(2)

重点单词。fall掉落,掉下 fell(fall的过去式) alone独自,单独 probably可能,也许 dress穿

myself我自己 interview面试,面谈 thought想,认为(think的过去式) unpleasant使人不愉快的 scientist科学家 already已经factory工厂 ******简单的 possible可能的

electric电的 seem好像,似乎 impossible不可能的 housework家务活。

重点短语。fall in love with爱上(某人或某物) live alone独居 go skating去滑冰 in the future将来 come true实现 for example例如 hundreds of大量,许多 help sth 帮助某人做某事。

section b


don’t h**e any close friends feel __from time to time.

holiday i went to guangzhou and fell in love___it.

did he___at the meeting?

___learn english well soon.

able able to

little boy was not old enough to___himself.

on onself check


teachers ask me to finish homework by m___

you hear the s___of the nature?

hard to make p___about the future.

brother is working at a computer c___

has an i___next week for the manager’s job.


tom and fred are talking about the year 2020."what will our world be like in the year 2020?""i don't know."says fred."what do you think?

""well, no one knows, but it's interesting to guess.""in the year 2020 everyone will carry a pocket computer. the computer will give people the answers to all their problems.

we shall all h**e telephones in our pockets, too, and we'll be able to talk to our friends all over the world. perhaps we'll be able to see them at the same time.""a lot of people will live and work under the sea.

perhaps there will be big towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.""machines will do most of the work, and so people will h**e more holidays, perhaps they'll work only two or three days a week. they'll be able to fly to the moon by spaceship and spend their holidays there.

""i'm looking forward(期待) to the year 2020. i hope to go to the moon!""and i hope i'll be able to live under the sea.

"says fred."won't that be very interesting? just like a fish!


unit1 where did you go on vacation 重点短语。1.参观博物馆。2.去夏令营 爬山。3.呆在家。4.度假。5.准备考试。6.遇见有趣的人。7.做 买特别的东西。8.有趣的地方。9.照很多 10.大多数时候。11.尝起来真好极了。12.为某人买某物。13.在农村。14....

初二英语下1 2单元

unit 1 will people h e robots?一 课程概述。1 学习一般将来时表达法。2 学习谈论过去 现在和将来。3 学习there will be 句型。4 学习用more,less,few 表达数量。二 重难点知识讲解。1 do you think there will be r...

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