初二英语 下

发布 2021-05-14 17:50:28 阅读 8819

初二英语(下)module 9测试2011.6


一、 词型转换。

1. i’m looking forward tovisit) my grandmother.

2. the driver hit the tree so that he **oidedhit ) the child in the street .

3. he invented new treatmenthelp) solders.

4. he continued___work) without stoppingh**e) a rest.

5. he made his brotherdo) homework for him.

6. he went to school withouteat ) anything.

7. we got lost in the forest ,so we stoppedread) the map.

8. pandasmain) feed on bamboo every year.

9. our government is working hards**e) pandas.

10. the teacher wantedstop) the little boyfight)with others.

the spring festival ,the he**y snow stopped many people fromgo).

12. my parents would like me __eat ) more vegetables.

13. little tomcry) when i came home.

14. he left home withouth**e) breakfast.

said if i had time igo)to see him.

16. i made up my mindlearn) english.

17. i am afraid ofstay) alone at home.

said he would go ontry).

was busysearch) the internet.

lost my watch, and inot find) it yet.




4. 我真心盼望着我们的假期的到来。

5. 她独自生活已有十年了。

6. 许多英雄为他们的祖国献出了生命。

7. 那个人跳进河中,救了男孩一命。

8. 女孩儿没有道别就离开了晚会。

9. 尽管遇到了暴风雨,飞机还是安全着陆了。

10. 我们在马路上迷路了,所以停下来看看地图。

初二英语(下)module 10 测试 2011.6


词型转换。1. the worker spent a yearbuild ) a new hospital.

2. sheis ) able to swim next year.

3. whynot come) to school a little earlier?

4. the old manbegin) to study computer two weeks ago.

5. the scarves aremade) of silk.

6. russia isbig) country in the world.

7. we could not play football because mike forgotbring) a football.

8. there is no timetalk) with you now.

9. when i saw them ,theywork ) on the farm.

10. i wonder if yougo ) skiing tomorrow.

11. i know that youdo) your beststudy) english now.

12. i am too tired to go onrun). i must stoph**e ) a rest.

13. it is bad for youread) in the bed.

14. i decidedwrite ) a postcard to my friend.

15. if hewantgo) with uslet) me know.

16. if sherun) for 40 minutes every day ,she __be ) healthier.

didn’t go home until hefinish) the work.

the music is!

19. kylie plays the violinreal ) well.

20. it takes 45 minutesget) there by bus.


2. 我们的邻居要搬走了,不过我希望我们仍然会保持联系。

3. 请往这个杯里加些糖。

4. 王老师有一个17岁的女儿。



7. 我们一道那儿,就马上开始工作。


9. 医生很少,所以他工作十分辛苦。



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