
发布 2021-05-14 17:46:28 阅读 2727

一。 单选。

) told as the good news with __smile __her face.

a. a;in b. an; in c. a;ond. an; on

) more and more elder peoplebeijing opera.

a. enjoyed b. enjoying enjoy

( )book is a bit difficultread something easier?

not to don’t not not you

) trees and colourful flowers can be seen __in my hometown.


)5.——h**e you finished your work

—yes, i h**e. i’vefinished it.

) sister for two years.

see not see

) necessary to return the book tomorrow、

a.this b. thatc. itd. which

) into the tree .look! hehigh up there!

a.has got;is climbed;was ;was

)9.——why __she __angry?

—because he __at her just now.

a. did;get;shouted b. has;got;shouted

shouted shouted

)10i go back before lunch? —no,i don’t think you __

must need to h**e to ought to

二。 补全单词。

1. i want to imy oral english ,so that i can talk with foreigners.

2. the plane t___off just now

3. we h**en’t dwho took away our books.

4. in f___project hope has built many schools.

5. my e___brother is two years older than i.

6. he tried to find o___how large the lake really was.

7. i’m quite shy when i’m with s

8. lao she was n___a “people’s artist” and “great master of language”.

9. the best plan is to ain new england in septemper.

10. beijing is the cof china.


1. 把拼写错误记在笔记本上是个好主意。

it’s a good idea toyourin your notebook.

2. 他每天大约花半个小时做英语作业。

it’s __him about half an hourhis english homework every day.

3. 你进教室后别忘了开窗户。

open the windowsyou come into the classroom.

4. 他们刚刚在火星上着陆了。

they5. 他们已经把信息发送到地球。

theymessagesthe earth.

6. 由于大雨,她今天早上迟到了。

she was late this morning

7. 这个男孩7岁开始学习弹钢琴。

the boy beganto play theseven.

8. 我不但喜欢英语,而且喜欢数学。

i likeenglishmaths.

9. 昨天晚上8点你在做什么?我在看电视。

youeight last night?

itv.10. 中国人民为长城感到自豪。

the chinese peoplethe great wall.


1. many students ask for advice aboutimprove) their english.

2. i enjoy watching english films andlisten) to real english songs.

3. —whose study diary is this?

—i think it’sdaming)

4. the day after tomorrow theyh**e)a volleyball match.

5. shework)hard next month.

6. vienna is the center ofeurope) classical music

7. shall i read the text once ortwo)?

8. i’m going on forfar)studies.

9. my english teacher is reallyfriend)and kind.

10. it’s not easylearn) a foreign language well.


1. they h**e known each other for 6 years.(同义句转换)

they h**e known each other___6 years ago.

2. h**e you been to america?(做肯定回答)

___i3. they h**e taken some photos?(改为一般疑问句)

___they __any photos?

4. i h**e been in china for 10 years.(对划线部分提问)

you been in china?

5. they h**e bought a radio.(改为否定句)

theybought a radio.

6. mike has already seen the film.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答)

___mikethe film

yes , he __

7. miss wang bought her bike three years ago.(对划线部分提问)

miss wangher bike?

8. my mother has lunch at home every day.(用at eleven yesterday morning 改写句子)

my motherlunch at home at eleven yesterday morning。

9. the greens h**e lived in beijing since ten years ago (对划线部分提问)

the greensin beijing?


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