
发布 2021-05-20 01:14:28 阅读 1827

an exciting trip

part 1 basic words and expressions

1 exciting a. 令人兴奋的。

exciting / excited

以ing结尾的形容词主语一般是物,形容物的性质和特点,而以ed结尾的形容词注意一般是人,形容人的感**彩。类似的形容词还有interesting/interested; relaxing/relaxed; amazing/amazed; boring/bored; surprising/surprised 等。

例:the book is very interesting and i’m very interested in it.



翻译:2 receive v. 收到,接待。

receive signals / mail / email

she stood by the door to receive her guests. 她站在门口迎接客人。




如:lily received a bunch of flowers, but she didn’t accept them. lily收到一捧花,但是她没接受。

我的句子:3 firm n. 商行,公司。

a. 牢固的,坚定。

a firm belief 坚定的信念。

you must always build on firm ground. 你必须始终脚踏实地。

he is a firm person; he never gives up until the task is finished.


4 work for指“在……上班/任职”:

she works for a department store.

表达“上班”这个意思时还可以说work at:

she works at a department store.她在一家百货商店上班。

5 a great number of 许多的…,大量的…

a great / large / good / small / certain number of + 可数名词复数。

there are a large number of people there. 那里有很多人。

a large/ great number of our students are danish.我们的学生中有许多是丹麦人。

there are a small number of spelling mistakes in your homework. 你的家庭作业里有少数几个拼写错误。

6 different a. 不同的。

there are three different answers.

different adj./ difference n

be different from 与……不同 make a difference 有影响,起作用。

his character is different from mine.

does it make a difference? i doubt. 我怀疑这能有什么用。


翻译:7 centre/ center n. 中心。

centre n./ central adj.

shopping centre购物中心 the centre of a circle 圆心。

we went into the town centre.

the shopping mall is in the centre of the city.

8 abroad adv. 在国外(overseas / foreign)

在国内 domestic / home

在国内外 at home and abroad

国外市场market abroad

出国 go abroad

he plans to spend his holiday abroad this year.


翻译:9 my brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.



she found ton's room very dirty.她发现汤姆的房间非常脏。

she has already found herself wrong.她已经发现自己错了。



拓展:find/look for; see/look at; hear/listen to 三组词的区别。

part 2 structure and vocabulary

1. tim is in australia. he went __australia six months ago.

a. tob. inc. atd. into

2. tim is working for a big firm. he is working for a big __

a. societyb. companyc. factoryd. store

3. he has visited a great number of different places. he hasn’t stayed in __place.

a. the onlyb. a similarc. the samed. alike

4. alice spring is a small town. a town is usually __

a. bigger than a village but smaller than a city b. bigger than a city

c. the same size a cityd. the same size as a village

5. he will soon visit darwin. he will visit darwin __

a. quicklyb. for a short time c. shortlyd. in a hurry

6. he will fly to perth. he will go there __

a. with airb. in airc. by aird. through air

part 3 grammar: 现在进行时。

现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作,其结构为:(am, is, are ) 动词的ing;常和now, right now, at the moment等时间状语连用。

如:they are playing football now.

at the moment he is reading an interesting book.

we are watching tv.

1. 现在进行时的用法。

2. 现在进行时动词结构(am/is/are + 动词的-ing形式)

exercise 1


1. i am writing a letter.


2. mary’s father is listening to the radio in the next room now.


3. mrs. white is eating some apples.


3. 动词的ing形式也叫“现在分词”,它的规律如下:



exercise 2


make→ take → study → get → put →

go → wash → close → work → sit →

has → cook → clean → call → let →

teach → le**e → open → run → mend →

4. 现在进行时表示将来。


come, go, le**e, die, start, arrive, get, stay, tr**el, do, work, give, reach, return, play, h**e, meet, take, get to, see off 等。

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