初中英语讲义 教案 初二英语时态讲解一般将来时

发布 2021-05-14 17:36:28 阅读 6195


一、导入 二、专题讲解




1) will + do (注:will为助动词)

2) be going to do (注:going to永不变)

3) be doing (注:现在进行时表将来)


tomorrow(明天), the day after tomorrow(后天), next year/ month/ week(明年/ 下个月/ 下周), in the future(将来), later(..之后), soon(不久), in + 一段时间(在。之后), next time(下一次), this afternoon/ evening/weekend(今天下午tonight(今晚)等等。


情况一:will/shall +do ( will 用于各种人称, shall用于主语为第一人称:i /we )

1) 肯定句: 主+ will/shall + do+其它。

如:tom will play football tomorrow.

people will h**e robots in the future.

i will/shall be a teacher in 10 years. (will be a /an +职业名词)

2) 否定句: 主+ will/ shall + not +do+其它。(will not缩写为won’t)

they will study at home tomorrow.

→they won’t study at home tomorrow.

3) 一般疑问句: will/shall +主+ do+其它?

mary will be in college in 5 years.

→will mary be in college in 5 years?

肯定回答:yes, she will.

否定回答:no, she won’t.

4) 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+will/shall+主+ do+其它?

i will live in a big city in the future. (划线提问)

→where will you live in the future?

课堂练习:my father will buy a car next year.


肯定回答。情况二:be going to +do (表示近期的打算或计划将要发生的事)

1)肯定句: 主+ be going to +do+其它。

i am going to be a basketball player in the future.

she is going to get good grades next year.

2)否定句: 主+ be +not +going to +do+其它。

i am going to do lots of exercise this afternoon.

→i am not going to do lots of exercise this afternoon.

3)一般问句: be+主+going to+do+其它?

she is going to take music lessons next year.

→is she going to take music lessons next year?

肯定回答:yes, she is.

否定回答:no , she isn’t.

4)特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+be+主语+going to+do+其它?

she is going to get good grades next year. (划线提问)

what is she going to do next year?

课堂练习:1. theyan english evening next sunday.

a. h**e b. are going to h**e c. will h**ing d. is going to h**e


iplay __with my good friends this afternoon.

情况三: be doing (主要用于表示位置转移的动词,如 arrive, come, go, le**e,

move, start, stay等 )

1)肯定句: 主语+ be+doing+其它。

i am le**ing for beijing next month.

2)否定句: 主语+ be+not+doing+其它。

they are going to tibet the day after tomorrow.

they aren’t going to tibet the day after tomorrow.

3)一般问句: be+主语+ doing+其它。?

i am going hiking in the mountain next sunday.

→are you going hiking in the mountain next sunday?

肯定回答:yes, i am.

否定回答:no, i am not.

4)特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+be+主语+ doing+其它?

he is going with his parents. (划线提问)

→who is he going with?

课堂练习:1. she is moving to bei jing tomorrow.(翻译)

2. –let’s go out to play football, shall we?

ok. ia. will coming b. be going to come c. come d. am coming


(1)“will do”表将来。

① 表示“带意愿色彩的将来”常用will;在问对方是否愿意或表示客气的邀请或命令时,常用will。

he will help you tonight.

i'll phone him back.

② will表示说话人认为、相信、希望或假定要发生的事。

she will get better.(认为最终会恢复健康的)

they will go shopping this afternoon.

(2)“be going to do”表将来

① 这种结构表示打算、计划要做的事。

what are you going to do next sunday? 下星期天你打算干什么?

they are going to meet outside the school gate.他们打算在校门口见面。

② 有事实或迹象,表明某事即将发生、肯定会发生或可能出现。

look at the cloud. it’s going to rain.


listen to the wind. we are going to h**e a rough crossing.


(3)“be doing ”表将来。

在这一结构中,动词-ing形式通常是表示位置转移的动词,如 arrive, come, go, le**e,

move, start, stay以及eat, meet, die等,并一般与表示将来的时间状语连用。

如:he is le**ing for xinjiang in a few days.

the plane is taking off soon.

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