
发布 2021-06-24 12:13:28 阅读 8588


1. 一般现在时:表示1)现在经常性的动作。

2)现在习惯性的动作。 3)现在的喜好和心理活动(want,think,believe 相信,worry)等。4) 表示客观真理。


2. 一般现在时标志性时间状语或情境有:

1)often, sometimes, always, usually, at times … 2) on wednesday / tuesday evening /…3) every saturday / 4) in the afternoon 5) once a week, three times a month 等。这些时间都不具体到哪一天或哪一时刻,或不很明确。

3. 一般现在时第三人称单数动词变形-s/es的规则:

a) 以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾的动词,直接加es .

b) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词变y为i 再加es.

c) 除以上以外,加s .

d) be – is h**e – has

1. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:


worrywatchfinishfix --

passsitcatchstop -


2. 用动词的正确形式填空 :

1) _you __a bike? no, i __not . but he __a motorbike. (h**e )

2) _there a map on the wall? no, there __but there __some pictures on it.( be )

3) we __play ) games in the afternoon.

4) she __try ) her best to carry water for the old woman.

5) they __not do ) their homework on sundays.

6) katenot watch ) tv every evening.

7) _you __want ) to buy the machine like a plane? no, i __

8) a: _she __like ) eating meat a lot ?

b: no, she __but she __like ) eating chicken very much.

9) a: what __he __do ) on saturday evening ?

b: he __play ) games at home.

10) when __your father __start ) to work every work ?

11) where __your parents __h**e ) breakfast ?

12) what __you __do ) i __be ) a doctor.

13) how many kilos of fish __youwant )

14) how much rice __she __want ) to buy ?

15) how often __the studentsh**e ) sports ?

16) lighttr**el ) much faster than sound.

17) mr. wang told us that the earthcircle ) around the sun.

18) if itnot rain ) tomorrow, we will visit the great wall.

19) jenny will go abroad for further study when shegraduate) from university.

20) jim __speak ) english . hecan , speak ) french ,too. he likesspeak ) french, too.

look! heenglish with his parents there.


一) 现在进行时

1.现在进行时: 表示现在或现现阶段正在进行的动作。

用“ am / is / are +v-ing (现在分词) ”表达。

2.现在进行时标志性的时间词语或情境有:look ! listen ! now, at the moment, at present, these days 等

1. 写出列动词的现在分词形式:






2. 用所给动词的正确形式填空:

1) helisten ) to the teacher now.

2) iwrite ) a letter to my friend. pleasenot speak ) to me.

3) look! theycarry ) baskets of pears.

4) listen! your brotherread ) a book.

5) wenot , do ) our homework now. wedo ) it after school.

6) _you __talk ) to her at the moment ? no, i __what __you __do ) then ? imake ) a kite.

7) help! the thiefrob) me of purse.

8) you __oftenuse ) my eraser, but i h**e never used yours.



1) 表示过去某时存在的状态(“是,在”用was / were表达)

2)表示过去某时发生的动作,或过去某段时间内经常/ 反**生的动作。


1) yesterday /…2) last night /…3) three days/…ago 4) in 1949, on may 4th,1919, …5) in the end = at last = finally最后,终于, just now = a moment ago刚才, at once / right away 马上 6) after a while, three years later

4. 动词过去式的构成规则:

a. 规则变化:

1. dance --danced live---lived

2. study---studied reply---replied worry—worried

stopped drop---dropped rob—robbed plan—planned

4. ask---asked call-- called play—played …


1. 写出动词的过去式:

becomecutfall --

growbreaklet --


一般将来时 句子结构 肯定句主语 will 动词原型 其他 否定句主语 will not 动词原型 其他 疑问句 will 主语 动词原型 其他 will 可改为be going to 当主语是第一人称时will可用shall 关键词 tomorrow,tomorrow morning,at sev...


动词的时态。一般现在时。翻译以下句子。1.他在第三小学上学。他每天早上七点上学。no.3 primary school 2.父亲每天早晨都浇花。3.我女儿喜欢看电视和听 4.桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗?不。她学习很用功。放学后她总是看书。5.我每天六点钟起床。isix every morning.现在进行...


初中英语时态。txt成熟不是心变老,而是眼泪在眼里打转却还保持微笑。把一切平凡的事做好既不平凡,把一切简单的事做对既不简单。英语时态分为16种 一般现在 一般过去 一般将来 过去将来时,以及这四者的进行时 完成时和完成进行时 下面就英语中常见的八种基本时态进行阐述,其它的时态都是在这八种时态的基础上...