
发布 2021-05-18 05:07:28 阅读 6454


1. 与他人相处 get along/on with sb 2(某事)值得做 be worth doing sth

3. 感到被出卖 feel betrayed by 4. 担心 be worried about

5.获得好的成绩get good grades 6.对我自己很骄傲 be proud of myself

7.感到很羞愧 feel ashamed (of ) 8 假装做… pretend to do sth

9. 乞求某人做某事 beg sb to do sth 10. 替我保守秘密 keep my secret

11. 凝视 ,盯着看…stare at12. 很惊讶地做…be shocked to do …

13. 想要做… feel like doing sth 14. 遵守诺言 keep one’s word/promise

15. 属于 belong to16. 下定决心做… be determined to do sth

17. 窥视spy on18 与… 同步 keep pace with

19. 由于(结果)as a result of 20. 对… 生气 be angry with sb

21 用这种方式in this manner 22. 变成 turn into

23.指责/控诉某人某事 accuse sb. of sth.

24. 说了一些伤人的话make some cruel remarks

25. 忍不住做… can’t help doing sth 26. 最好做… had better do sth

27在…有天赋 be gifted at28 不久以后before long

29. 阻止某人做某事discourage sb from doing sth 30度过,经历get through

31 对友谊有不同的态度h**e different attitudes towards friendship

32以…为基础,扎根于be anchored in 33以…为基础be based on

34 有可能做某事be likely to do sth 35对…小心谨慎 be cautious about

36渴望做某事 be eager to do sth 37忙于某事 be busy with sth

38不管,不顾 regardless of39想象做某事 imagine doing sth

40 介意做某事mind doing sth41 以…结束end up doing sth

42 依赖,依靠rely on43 总之in conclusion

44 回忆,回顾look back on45幸亏,由于thanks to

46因(做了)某事而向某人道歉 apologize /make an apology to sb for (doing) sth


1 webe) best friends since primary school.

2 i was __upset that i feel likecry).

3 i wasshock) to find a piece of ***** on my desk.

4 football is very important to me, butis our friendship.

5 i cannot helpwonder) if he wants peter to be his best friend instead of me.

6 you need to apologizequick) to **oidlose) a good friend.

7 don’t let a smallagree) destroy your friendship.

8 we had nothing to do butwatch) tv.

9 i would rathervisit) the dentist thanstudy) algebra.

10 mum discourages me fromchat) online.

11 last week, i forgotdo) my homework.

12 my real friends areimportant) than my online friends.

13 whendecide) what is most important in life, some people choose money___others choose things like security and comfort.

14 i saw all of the tourists h**ing their picturestake) together.

15 i noticed that my classmatesstare) at me as i came into math class.

16. my friend has a twin sister __name) diana, _likes playing __piano.

17. every day i spend much timedo ) my homework.

18. they are sitting __the sofatalk) happily.


1. i begged her not tell anyone else.

2. i look forward to hear from you.

3. friendships between boys are based in shared activities or interests.

4. my best friend let her use her computer.

5. true friends h**e hearts that beats as one.

6. the best mirror is a old friend.

7. to my surprise, i got a lowest mark in the class.

8. the teacher often has his students to read aloud in class.

9. do you want to go shopping and watch a film?

10. a good friend must be honest, kind and had a sense of humor.


一单词变形。1vt.承认,允许进入,接纳 n入场费。2adv.真诚地,adj真的,n真理。3vi 争吵,争论,n争论,论据。4vi 道歉,n道歉。5n.分歧,争论 vi不同意同意。6n.娱乐vt 使开心。7adj 无望的 n希望 adj有希望的。8adj 小心的,谨慎的adv,小心地。n 小心,谨慎...

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