
发布 2021-05-18 05:05:28 阅读 6990

unit 5 first aid ( vocabulary)(i)

by guan yuqin

.learning targets

ii learning procedures

step 1 self --learning (10 '

and following ( aid --unbearable)

2. read

3. memorize

step 2 pair --checking(10')

words difficult to read

words difficult to remember

step 3 self --checking(10')

step4 practice makes perfect (10')

1. the passengers escaped from the accident with only minorinjure)

2. i was onlymild) interested in the story i read in the news*****.

3. the color ofbleed) is red.

4. there arevariety) excuses for students being late for school.

5. the pain is sobear) that she can't help screaming.

6. most of the colorful mushrooms arepoison).

7. 他没来上学的原因是他昨晚生病了。

短语学习:1. 对……进行急救 give off/do first aid (to sb) /carry out/perform first aid (on sb)

2. 病倒 fall ill

3. 保护某人免于…… protect sb/sth from/against sth

4. 坚持某人的信念 stick to one’s belief

5. 遭电击 get an electric shock/electrouted

6. 一件珠宝 a piece of jewelly

7. 挤出橙子的汁 squeeze the juice out of an orange

8. 反复, 再三 over and over again/ again and again/repeatedly

9. 引起感染 cause infection

10. 施压于…… apply pressure to sth

11. 毫无疑问 there is no doubt that…

12. get burned 烫伤。

13. sense of touch 触觉。

14. for a moment / the moment 一会儿 / 当……的时候。

15. reduce the swelling 减轻肿胀。

16. in place 在该在/适当的位置。

17. knock sth over 撞翻。

18. present sb with sth/present sth to sb 颁发/赠送……给……

19. put one’s hands on sth 找到。

20. a number of/the number of 许多;……的数量。

21. dress / bandage (an injury) 包扎伤口。

22. make a/no difference 有/没有差别; 有影响(作用)/ 没有影响(作用)


1. his legwhen playing basketball.

2mr white met miss lee, he fell in love with her.

3. when you finish reading, put the books on the shelves __

4. once a decision has been made, you h**e to __it.

5. on sports meeting, our class wasa golden medal for relay race.

6. h**e you wonmedals in sports meeting?

7. hehis success (为……而自豪)

8. we should acquireenglish as a student in 21st century.

9. you should recite the words and phrasesso you can remember them.

10. h**ing a good knowledge of englishin global business.

11. 毫无疑问地球围绕太阳转that the earth tr**els around the sun.

12. 我正要出去正在这时**响了。ithe phone rang.

13. we held sports meeting this week.


when was it that we held sports meeting?

14. 当大洋与地球做比较时, 大洋显得很渺小。 whenthe earth, the ocean seems small.

step 5 assignment 1. 熟读单词。2.熟读step4中的句子(1-7)并背诵、默写。

unit 5 first aid ( vocabulary)(2)

by guan yuqin

.learning targets

ii learning procedures

step 1 self --learning (10 '

and following (basin –bruise)

2. read the words by yourselves

3. try to memorize the words.

step 2 pair --checking

step 3 self --checking

step4 practice makes perfect (10')


一轮复习 词汇复习module 1 unit 5 知识盘点。一 词汇。1.devote vt.献身 致力于 专心于。1 devote sth time,money,energy,one s life to doing sth 把 用于 献给。2 devote oneself to doing sth...


book 5 unit 5 first aid 主备人刘永忠。方向标 1.复习识记本课的词汇 短语和重点句。2.掌握重点词和短语的用法。路线图 自主学习 step 1.写出重点单词。1n vt.帮助 援助 2n.损伤 伤害 v 3vi.vt.流血 4vt.涂 敷 应用vi.申请 使用。5n.毒药 v...


unit 4 earthquakes 第一部分考点精讲。一 词汇学习与运用。a 重点单词。1 burst vi.爆裂 爆发 n 突然破裂,爆发。2 event n 事件 大事。3 nation n 民族 国家 国民 national adj.国家的,民族的 nationality n 国籍。4 ru...