
发布 2021-05-23 13:37:28 阅读 1168

unit5 词汇精品导学案。

学习目标。1.熟练掌握并应用下列单词:pretend, attach, form, earn, familiar等。熟记单词拼写并能灵活运用。



词汇快测。the words and phrases.

a. words (词汇连线)


1) something used to make music

2) paid in money but not by cheque

3) message that is transmitted by radio or television

4) to do or carry out

5) someone who is talented at music

6) move by turning over

7) kind; a particular type of person

8) short in time

9) the pattern or nature of anything

10) h**ing power to arouse interest


完成句子】1)she pretends she likes them so that she can accept their help.她装作喜欢他们,因此能接受他们的帮助。

2)don’t pretend know when you don’t.当你不知道的时候不要假装知道。

3)he to be friendly with me when he needed my help.他在需要我帮助时假装对我友好。

1)pretend(not) to do sth.

2)pretend to be+adj.




完成句子】1)this does not attach any blame you.这事你一点责任都没有。

2)i attached a photo my application form.我在申请表上贴了一张**。

3)chinese people attach great importance education.中国人认为教育很重要。

4)to be honest a lot of people attach great importance becoming rich and famous.


book2unit 5 music姓名得分。一 动词。1 滚动 使 摇摆v.2 假装 装扮v.3 系上 缚上 附加v.4 使 组成 构成 形成v.5 赚 挣得 获得v.6 表演 履行 执行v.7 依赖 依靠v.8 广播 v9 蘸 浸v.二 名词10 家n.11 过路人 行人n.12 工具 器械 乐器...


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