初三英语听力专项训练 二

发布 2021-05-16 06:03:28 阅读 2022





(1)a. like b. lightc. right d. night

2) a. poolb. pull c. poord. push

3) a. narrow b. borrow c. followd. yellow

4) a. 83668217 b. 83566817 c. 86681357d. 83662817

5)a. neither too light nor too he**y b. neither too high nor too he**y c.

neither too he**y nor too light d. neither too high nor too short



6) a. thanks for telling me, mike.

b. how do you do, dr smith? nice to meet you, dr smith.

c. hello, h**e you ever been to china? d. how are you these days?

7) a. but i don't think so. b.

i'm sorry to hear that. c. it's very kind of you to tell me the news.

d. congratulations.

8) a. i don't know if i can. b.

thanks for asking me. c. no, i'm afraid not.

d. with pleasure.

9) a. i'm sorry to hear that.

b. late is better than never.

c. i afraid it's too late. shall we make it earlier?

d. either b or c.

10) a. i'm afraid not. the water in the river is very dirty now.

b. yes, it's much better than swimming in the pool.

c. it's a pleasure to swim with you.

d. enjoy yourselves with your friends.




11) what colour does the woman like? a. blue.

b. green. c.

brown. d. none of the above.


12) whom does the woman want to speak to?

a. dick green. b. mr caron. c. marry. d. mr king.

13) what is the woman going to do?

a. make a phone call again next morning.

b. ask the man to pass her message.

c. call again in the afternoon.

d. talk to the teacher by herself.


14) how often does the train start?

a. more than ten minutes. b.

twenty minutes. c. less than 30 minutes.

d. more than 30 minutes.

15) how is the woman going to hong kong? a. by plane.

b. by train. c.

by bus. d. by ship.


(16) what day is the girl talking to the boy? a. on friday.

b. on saturday. c.

on sunday. d. on monday.

17) what does the girl ask the boy to do? a. to wear school suit.

b. to wear old clothes. c.

to plant trees. d. both b and c.


18) where is the boy going? o a. the children's palace.

b. the children's centre. c.

the hospital. d. her nephew's.

19) what is the girl going to do this sunday afterrcon? a. go to the children's centre with the boy.

b. see mary' s nephew. c.

take care of tom. d. see her mother's nephew.

20) how is tom?

a. he has a bad cold. b.

he has a headache. c. his leg is hurting.

d. we don't know.



21) how many cities had the kings visited before they got to guangzhou?

a. four. b. six. d. seven.

22) how long had they stayed in china then?

a. two weeks. b.

less than two weeks. c. less than one week.

d. ivbre than tvro weeks.

23) mrs king liked__.

a. cats only. b. dogs only. c. cats and dogs. d. birds only.

24) what did the waiter think mrs king wanted to do?

a. she wanted something to eat.

b. she wanted him to give her dog something to eat.

c. she wanted to eat her dog.

d. she wanted him to make friends with her dog.

25) which of these sentences is true?

a. the waiter killed the dog because he hated dogs very much.

b. mrs king brought her dog to china.

c. mrs king thought her dog was eating in the kitchen.

d. mrs king liked to eat dog meat.



一。1. kelly saw strange color lights moving across the sky.

2. the daughter loved someone else, a poor farmer.

3. maybe the loudspeakers should follow chinese example and ride more bicycles.

4. number, please. the number is 83662817.

5. the wood must be neither too light nor too he**y.

二.6. in the party , mike says to you “this is doctor smith . it is the first time to visit our city. question:

what would you say to doctor smith?

7. jack tells you before the chinese exam i was afraid of failing in it, but the teacher told me that i had passed the examquestion : what would you say?

8. your uncle says to you " could you post the letter for me on your way to school , please? question: what would you say if you could?


江西省2008年初中英语听力竞赛试题。初中二年级 说明 本卷共有六大题,55小题,全卷满分100分,考试时间为60分钟。一 听句子,选答语。听完每句后,你有10秒钟的时间完成有关小题和阅读下一小题。每句读一遍。每小题1分,共5分 nothing.b.it s boring.c.it s sunny....


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