六下英语半期试卷 含听力

发布 2021-05-15 20:58:28 阅读 4042

沙县金沙片区六年级英语学科半期学习评价 zgy


考试时间: 40分钟) 成绩。



( )b. vegetable c. hamburger

( )b. mec. us

( )bluec. yellow

( )b. doctor c. dancer

( )b. sunday c. tuesday



1. a. i want a hamburger. b. i want a cola.

2. a. i’m h**ing a picnic. b. i’m going to h**e a picnic.

3. a. yes,you canb. yes, i can.

4. a. it’s a birdb. they’re birds.

5. a. at 7:00b. in the park.

6. a. i’m tenb. i’m fine, thank you.


( )1. a: where’s the monkey ? b

ab ( )2. a: what did you h**e for dinner? b

ab. 3. a: what’s your f**ourite animal? b

ab. ( )4. a: what is he doing ? b

ab. ( )5. a: will it be __tomorrow ? b: yes, it will.

ab. ( )6. a: what will you do tomorrow ? b

ab. 五、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。(三遍)6分。

) 1. will it be sunny tomorrow?

it will. b. no, it won’t.

) 2. what is lingling going to do tomorrow?

a. she is going to swim. b. she is going to h**e a picnic on the farm.

) is lingling going to go with?

a. her friendsb. her mum and dad.

) are they going to go?

a. at 8:30 b. at 9:30.

) 5. is lingling going to take photos?

a. no, she isn’tb. yes,she is.

) does lingling’s father want to eat?

a. he wants to eat some bread b. he wants to eat some hot dogs.



1. 大写 g h j m v z o f

2. 小写 a c w n s x y q


c___tootball d__skk te d ck


1. it’s raining,you___wear a raincoat

a. should b. shouldn’t c. is.

) 2. what’s your hobby? my hobby is

a. swimb. swimming c. are swimming

3. “who can help me

a. yes, i am. b. sorry, i can’t. c. yes , i do.

and four is

a. twenty-seven c three


you got any catsa. we play table tennis.

i h**e this capb. no, i didn’t.

3. what do you do at the weekend? c. sorry, you can’t.

4. do you collect stampsd. no, i h**en’t.

5. did you go to the librarye. yes, i do.


1. the snakesthe sun.

2 my grandpa is a

sending anto my family in china.

this photo, it’sand we’re under that tree.

5. i go to work by


abcdeis playing with a toy train.

is watching tv , but the doorbell is ringing.

at the balloons . they say, “happy birthday , daming.”

got a book about america.


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