英语试卷听力材料 一

发布 2021-05-15 20:54:28 阅读 7596









mary, you look very smart in this red coat.


kate often goes to school in her father’s car.


i went to see a film with my presents and jack last night.


bob is playing football on the playground with his classmates.


mary likes summer best because she can swim in the river.




w: tina, it’s time to go to bed now.

m: no, dad! it’s only ten to ten. and i still h**e some homework to do.


w: hi! jack, do you h**e a dictionary?

m: sorry, i don’t. but kate has one.

w: where is kate?

m: i saw her in the playground just now, but she said she wanted to borrow some books in the library with mary. maybe she is there.


w: bob, what did you do last night?

m: i went to watch a football match. i know you used to like football, right, nancy?

w: yes. but i don’t like it now. i like volleyball.

m; do you often play volleyball?

w: yes. twice a week with my friend.


w: excuse me, jimmy. i can’t work out this math problem.

m: let me see. oh.

it’s too difficult. i can’t do it, either. sally, you’d better ask our math teacher, mr wang.

w: but it’s 6:00 pm now. is he still in the office?

m: i think he is. for he often le**es school late.

w: ok. i’m going at once.


w: tom, what are you doing?

m: oh, miss wang. i am reading an interesting book about animals.

w: do you like animals?

m: yes, i do.

w: tom. what are you going to be when you grow up?

m: i want to be an animal doctor. i think it is very interesting and helpful.


w: hello. 2265731.

m: oh, good morning. may i speak to mr green?

w: sorry, he is h**ing a meeting in the school meeting room. can i take a message?

m: of course. this is peter’s father.

i’m afraid peter can’t go to school today. he wants to ask for le**e.

w: what’s the matter with him?

m: he is catching a cold.

w: i’m sorry to hear that. i’ll tell him about it when he comes back.


w: who do you admire?

m: i admire lang lang.

w: lang lang. who’s that?

m: he’s a famous pianist in the world.

w: oh. he’s a chinese, isn’t he?

m: yes. he was born in shenyang in 1982.

when he was three he became a good piano student. in 1997, he studied at a famous american music college.

w: wow. do you h**e any of his cds?

m: yes, i do. i play them all the time.



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