
发布 2021-05-15 20:59:28 阅读 7081







) does the man most probably do?

driver shopkeeper doctor

) colour does the woman think simon should use?

) did they h**e their dinner?

the man’s home the woman’s home a restaurant

) does the man contact his friends in america?

e-mails b. over the phone c. through letters

)9. where is the man?

a. in a shop a hospital an office

) will the boy le**e for the night school?




) does the man want to look at?

french menu japanese menu english menu

)12. what do you know about the woman?

a. she is rude . b. she is busy. is angry.



) does the passage mainly talk about?

of the old in canada

in canada

to take good care of pets

) do they give their pets injections(注射)before keeping them at

their houses?

pets are sick.

want them to sleep on the way home.

want to stop them from carrying diseases.

( )can we know from this passage?

hate animals.

don’t keep pets inside houses.

love animals.

) do children le**e their parents when they grow up in canada?

wouldn’t depend on(依靠) their parents any more.

can only find jobs far from their parents.

parents’ houses are too small.

) of the following is true?

buy animal food only at the supermarket.

eat better than people.

every family has a bird feeder in the house.



do you go to school every day?

w:to keep healthy,i ride a bike to school every day.

your father?

w:he is a cook and he always cooks some nice food for us.

the time?

w: it’s half past six now. let’s h**e supper, shall we?

about eating out this evening?

w: we always h**e chinese food. let’s h**e some japanese food today.

like to see that green dress you h**e in the window, please.

m: what size do you wear, miss?

think simon should use the colour yellow.

w:i don’t think so. simon’s colour should be red. he has a strong personality.

for the wonderful dinner you’ve cooked for me, mr king.

m: i’m glad you came, miss white.

do you contact your friends in america now?

m: by e-mails. what about you?

me,sir,visiting hours are over. you must le**e now, so your daughter can get a good rest.

m:i’m sorry, didn’t hear the bell.

le**e for the night school at a quarter to six. what about you?

m:i h**e to le**e ten minutes earlier than you. i h**e no bicycle, you know .

i must walk there.



w:good i help you,sir?

m:could i h**e a look at the menu, please?

w:ah,yes .here you are.

one is in you mind giving me a menu in english?

w:of course not, a moment. here it is.

seems that the menu has been changed a little.

w:yes, we h**e some new dishes. now what would you like to order?

m:oh,i h**en’t decided yet. just a

w:ok, your time. do you mind if i go to the next table? there are so many people now.


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