0015 英语 二

发布 2021-05-15 03:06:28 阅读 9397

unit one


text a

1. accomplish vt. 完成(任务等),成就。

1) it was the young workers who accomplished the difficult task.


2) during her first year she accomplished a great deal.


2. predict vt./vi. 预言;预示。

1) it’s too early to predict the result at this stage.


2) no one can predict when the disease will strike again.


3. constraint n. 强制;强制因素,制约条件。

1) he returned to the school under constraint.他迫不得已又回到学校。

2) there are no constraints on your choice of subject for the essay, you can choose whatever subject you like.文章内容不拘,你可任选。

4. profitability n. 赚钱,获利。

1) there is no profitability in doing the business.


5. in the way 碍事,妨碍;挡路。

1) he thought he was helping us, but in fact he was only in the way.


2) if you wish to le**e, i wouldn’t stand in your way.


6. in part 部分地,在某种程度上。

(1) his success was due in part to luck.


2) the house is furnished in part.


text b

1. to apply for 申请。

i’m here to apply for a visa. 我来这申请签证。

2. to turn down 拒绝,调小。

would you like to turn down the radio? 你能把收音机音量调小些吗?


. vocabulary and structure

1. it may rain; you’d better take an raincoat___a___

a. in case b. in no case c. on case d. in this casea ]

2. the bed was___c___ready for the night.

a. turned on b. turned out c. turned down d. turned awayc ]

3is essential in the business world.

a. efficiency b. inefficiency c. effective d. efficienta

4. the question will then be repeated___different words.

a. with b. in c. on d. byb ]

5. she wore a he**y coat___catch cold.

a. so as to b. so as not to c. so that d. as tob ]

6. franklin’s ability to learn from observations and experience___greatly to his success in public life.

a. owed b. contributed c. related d. attachedb ]

7. his words and expression suggested that he___satisfied with the answer.

a. was b. should c. be d. isa ]

8. the importance of multiple objectives is also basedon the values of the decision maker.

a. in ahead b. in hand c. in part d. on the partc ]

9. we made plans for a visit but___difficulties with the car prevented it.

a. subordinate b. subsequent c. afterward d. consequentb ]

10. decision makers must h**e some way of determining __of several alternatives is best.

a. what b. any c. which d. somec ]

.translation from chinese into english

1. 雇主希望求职者个性随和,工作努力。

employers expect job applicants to be pleasant in personality and hard working.

2. 如果你事先通知我,我昨天就去机场接你了。

if you had told me in advance, i would h**e met you at the airport yesterday

3. 我的目标就是今年十月份通过英语考试。

my objective is to pass the english exam in october this year.

4. 但是这种简化倾向会使他们对其他的可供选择视而不见。

but the tendency to simplify blinds them to other alternatives.

5. 人们通常认为决策是一个孤立的现象。

people often assume/think that decision ****** is an isolated phenomenon

unit two


text a

1. exert 发挥, 产生。

2. explode **,突发。

3. shrink 收缩, 缩小。

4. to research into 研究。

they are researching into the causes of cancer.


5. to make use of 利用。

make use of every chance you h**e to speak english.


text b

1. revolve vi. 旋转;绕转。

1) the mechanism that revolves the turntable is broken.


2) the earth revolves round the sun.


一。词汇篇。单词书的选择我的观点是只选少的,好背的。我买过很多单词书,星火的实在是太多了,根本背不下来,不推荐。现在不是贪多贪全的时候,选一本大多数词都涵盖的就可以了,比如xdf的乱序 正序都可以,甚至是便携版的都可以,只要是你看的顺眼的就行!英语二的同学的单词书和英语一选择的一样就可以了。现在的你...


1.that s right.that s all right.all right.that s right意为 对的 表示赞同对方的意见 看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。例如 i think we must help the old man.我想我们应该帮助这位老人。that s right.或...


第。一 二单元英语小结。英语中有些动词,除了有一个直接宾语外,还要有一个宾补句子才完整。这类常用及物动词有make,consider,cause,see,find,call,get,h e,let.1 h e get sth.ed有三种含义。1让别人为自己做某事she had her house r...