
发布 2021-05-16 20:16:28 阅读 2473


英语中有些动词,除了有一个直接宾语外,还要有一个宾补句子才完整。这类常用及物动词有make,consider,cause,see,find,call,get,h**e,let.1)、h**e/get sth.


1让别人为自己做某事she had her house repaired.

2使完成某事,自己或别人we h**e get the work finished by 10 o’clock.3表示遭遇某事,自己或别人。he had his house damaged in the storm.

2)、getsth done使……,被……,名词是动作的承受者1、when are you going to get your hair cut?

2、he got his foot spiked(钉子扎伤)while playing long journeygot all ofustire)

2you’ll never get heragree)3can you get the cargo)

tiredto agreegoing

warming upconsist of : include; be made of由…组成 water consists ofhydrogen and oxygen.▲divide :


separate :分隔;把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来。 the world is divided into five continents.

the grinding machine separates the grain from the husk .碾谷机把米和糠分开。

1. debate : 1) [c, u]讨论;争论;辩论会。

hold a debate on a subject就某一题目举行一次辩论2)vi. /vt.讨论/辩论debate the question辩论这个问题。

debate about sth.为争论争辩 we debated about the project for

a week.

2. clarifyvt. 1)阐明;澄清,(使某事物)清楚易懂。

can you clarify that statement?你能把那句话的意思再澄清一下吗?clarify the issue澄清问题。

2)使(液体等)澄清:clarify butter使黄油纯净▲3.令某人高兴/惊讶/惊恐/失望/震惊的是。

toone’s joy/delight/surprise /horror/disappointment▲4. break away (from )挣脱,从……摆脱,打破(陈套等) the prisoner broke away from the guard.

break away from conventions打破常规breakdown(机器、车辆)坏了。

the telephone system has broken into强行闯入break out突然爆发。

break up分解,解散,终止,结束break through突围/破break in插嘴▲5. conveniencen. [c, u]

u]方便,便利,合宜 thinks only of his own convenience.2) a library planned for the user’s convenience3) at your convenience在你方便的时候。

c]便利设施;方便的用具 the house has all the modern conveniencesit is a convenience to live near the stationconvenientadj.方便的,便利的,合宜的。

beconvenient to do …beconvenient to/for sb. …1) come and see me whenever it is convenient to you .

6. attraction1) [u] attracting or being attracted吸引,吸引力。

2) [c] something that attractssb./sth.有吸引力的事物。

7. treasure

1) [u]金银财宝,宝藏 to find buried treasure2)[c]珍品/宝3)v.珍惜/爱。

8 constructiveadj.建设性的,积极的,结构上的constructionn.建设/筑,建筑物,结构,解释,说明。

9. influence

1) [u]对……的影响influence on/over sb. /sth.

the fact that he is rich and famous had no influence on our decision.2) [c]产生影响的人/事物influence on sb./ his new girlfriend has been a good influence on him3) v.

影响。her style of painting has been influenced by chinese & influence意义相近。


influence较多用于指感觉/态度上的改变 1) drinking can affect your ability to drive

2)the tv advertisements h**e influenced my attitude towards drinkingand driving.

10. evidence [u]证据/词。

there was no evidence of a struggle in the 明显的,显而易见的。

evidence仅指提供的事实,并非确实的证据proof是确凿的证据▲11. worth只做表语值得……,价值,后接n./pron.

/vingbe worthy of + n./being+

be worthy to do / to be 1) this question is worthy of consideration.

2) this question is worthy of being considered.3) this question is worthy to be considered.

worthwhile作表语和定语,值得做…… 有价值/作用。

it is worthwhile to do / doing …


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