
发布 2021-03-18 10:32:28 阅读 7454



1. even though/although/though引导从句

despite//in spite of 名词或名词性词组。

they had a wonderful holiday despite/ in spite of the bad weather

they had a wonderful holiday even though/although/though the weather is bad.

请用despite, in spite of改写下句:

although they were poor, the children seemed happy.

despite/ in spite of their poverty, the children seemed happy.

or: despite/ in spite of the fact that they were poor, the children seemed happy.

2. keep one’s word / promise 守诺。

反义词组:break one’s word/ promise

word came that(有消息传来…)

h**e a word with sb 与某人交谈

h**e words with sb. 与某人争吵。

3. 如果你方便的话 if it is convenient for //to you

4. for the first time(介词短语,不可接从句)第一次

the first time(关联词,可引导从句)第一次…就…

the moment (=as soon as) +从句

at the moment 此刻。

5. the +比较级+s+v, the +比较级+s+v,一个人越有学问(learned),就往往越谦虚(modest).

the more learned a man is, the more modest he is.

the more the teacher explained, the more confused the students became.

ii. 容易拼错的单词。

succeed success 成功 discipline 纪律 supplementary adapt adopt recommendation

appreciate fashion qualify communication experience individuality participate

iii chapter 1语言点。

1. realize /achieve one’s dream实现梦想

pursue one’s dream追寻梦想。

dream of/about 梦见 “渴望做…”只能用of

不可用x come true one’s dream

dying to do be dying for sth. can’t wait to do sth.急迫要做某事。

3. step by step逐渐地

take steps to do 采取措施 = take measures/ take action

4. there is no point in doing sth…做…没意义。

case(关联词,接从句) 以防万一

in case of +n.(不可接从句)

be honest to tell you the truth to be frank 老实说。

7. a great success巨大的成功 succeed in doing =manage to do

8. congratulate sb on doing sth. congratulate sb on sth.

9. pick up 捡起,(用车)接人,(顺便)学会

10. a holiday resort度假胜地

resort to law诉诸法律

resort to the police 向警察求助。

sideways 侧身站着

go through…sideways 侧身穿过。

12. participate in + activities)

join in /take part in /be involved in

participant n.参与者 participation n.参与。

13. compete against /with sb for sth 为…与某人竞争 compete in 参加竞赛。

14. refer-referred – referring

refer to 提及,涉及

reference book参考书。

15. combine a with b 把a与b结合起来

combine business with pleasure劳逸结合。

combine education with recreation / entertainment.寓教于乐。

a combination of …的结合。

combined events混合赛 field events 田赛

track events 径赛。

16. endure sth endure doing 忍受…

come to the end of one’s endurance到了能忍受的极限 beyond one’s endurance 某人受不了。

17. a series of一连串的。

18. be equal to …in… 和…在…方面平等。


black people are equal to white people in personality.

19. desire to do / desire sth 渴望做某事

h**e a strong desire (n.) to do sth.

20. belong to属于

21. in many ways 总的来说,在很多方面

in a way 在某种意义上。

22. require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事。

sb. be required to do sth.

iv chapter 2语言点。

1. tutor n. tutorial adj.

tutorial centres

2. entrance fee 入场费 charge a fee for

3. reasonable adj. 合理的。

4. command vt.命令,吩咐;掌握,支配;赢得。

sb to do sth; ~从句/that/sth

h**e a good command of

5. qualify sb for sth/ to do 使某人有资格做某事

qualified adj. 合格的。

be well qualified to do /for

qualification n. 资格(或与之相关的证书,文件)

6. communicate vt. 传达, 传送(消息等)

communicate news to sb.

vi. 通讯,联系 communicate with sb.

communication (n)

7. confidence n.[u] 信心

h**e confidence in one’s intelligence.

build up one’s confidence

with confidence 充满信心地

be confident of 确信。

be confident in 对…有信心。

i’m confident that

8. it’s better to do sth than to do sth

9. spend time on sth/ in doing sth

10. attend school

attend a lecture

11. force n. 力量,武力,军队。

the forces of nature 大自然的力量

resort to force诉诸武力

do sth by force

vt. 强迫。

12. furthermore adv. 而且,此外

in addition , moreover, what is more

13. supplementary 补充的

14. instead /instead of

if you cannot go, let him go instead用instead of 改写

15. experience n. 经验,经历vt.经历

experienced adj.经验丰富的。

16. depend on

be dependent on

be independent of


17. solution to …

18. describe … as …

19. keep pace with

at a … pace

20. make comments on…..

comment on

21. on one’s own= by oneself

22. allow doing

allow sb to do

be allowed to

23. adapt … to …

adopt v. 收养;采纳。


n开头的单词。1 nail 名词 钉子,指甲 可数 动词 钉 使待在某处surprise nailed him to the spot2 name 名词词组 s,骂某人 a for be famous for big famous household 名人,家喻户晓的人物 in the of sb,...


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随着时间的推移,同学们已经进入了高二下学期的学习。在英语学习方面重点应关注哪些方面?下面是我整理的范文,欢迎借鉴参考。一 期末考试即将来临,为了更好的复习迎考,外语组全体教师通过讨论,针对学生的实际情况,结合考试的各个题型,特制定期末复习指导计划如下 一 考试的第一个题型是听力题。我们每周力争做到有...