2019中考英语专项复习 冠词讲解与练习题

发布 2021-05-14 16:57:28 阅读 8388

冠词。冠词有定冠词the和不定冠词a 、an两种:

1. 不定冠词的基本用法:



i saw a boy over there.


i want to buy an english book.


a man is waiting for you at the gate.

5) 不定冠词含有“—”的意思,但数量观念没有one强烈。

i h**e a mouth, a nose and two eyes.


the cake is delicious,and i would like a second one.



catch/h**e/getacold感冒takeaseat参加考试makealiving谋生h**e a good time 玩的高兴。


2. 定冠词的用法:


do you know the boy in red?

2)指双方都知道的人或事物 give me the book.


4)用在世界上独一无二的事物前。例如:the sun is bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大些。

5)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。例如:the first island is the biggest of the three.第一个小岛是三个中最大的。

6) 用于乐器前面。play the piano

7)用在形容词前表示一类人,the +形容词指的是一群人,通常用复数。the rich the poor, the old; the young

8)用在姓氏前指一家人或者夫妇。the smiths


10)与某些名词所有格连用时表示“在…处”at the doctor’s


all the time总是 at the same time 同时

in the end 最终 by the way 顺便一说。



the desk is made of wood.


england, china mary lilei

3). 在星期、月份,季节等名词前;sunday march summer winter

4)名词前有物主代词,指示代词,不定代词,名词所有格修饰时(this, my,that, those, these, her)

如:this morning my pen your watch whose bike 等。

5) 在球类运动、一日三餐、学科和语言的名词前如:

h**e breakfast play chess play basketball

注意在乐器前必须加定冠词如弹钢琴play the piano play the violin)

6)当by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词;

by bus by train by car by air by bike by plane

注意如果用介词on 表示乘**通工具必须用a 或an 来表示如 in a bus on a bike 等)


school,college,prison,market,hospital,bed,table,class,town,church,court 等个体名词,直接置于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义;

go to hospital 去医院看病。

go to the hospital 去医院 (并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)



1. tomorrow is __teachers' day and we'll make __card for our english teacher.

2. the bus is running about seventy miles___hour.

3. mary is interested in __science.

4. some people don't like to talk at __table.

5. last night i went to___bed very late.

6. don't worry. we still h**e __little time left.

7. what __beautiful day! and what __fine weather!

8. in __winter it is cold in __beijing and warm in __shanghai.

9. john is___cleverest boy in his class.

10. we can't live without __water or __air.

11. tomorrow mr. smith will le**e paris, _capital of___france, for washington by___air.

12. we were h**ing___lunch when they came in.

13. this is __book you g**e me last week.

14. what did you do __last saturday?

15. march 8 is __women's day.

16. if __weather is fine tomorrow, we will go to the park.

17. i prefer playing __piano to playing __basketball.

18. at __age of five, he read a lot of books.

19. tom and lucy are of __same age.

20. _harder we study, _more we learn.

21. my dear! h**e you had __apple?

22. black horse is __interesting book for __children.

23. she is __useful member of __volleyball team.

24. _doctor told him to take __medicine three times __day.

25. look at __sun! it’s __fine day for __walk today.

26. japan is to __east of __china.

27. what would you like for __suppermr green?

28. playing __football is __best sport in __spring.


1.—does jim h**e __ruler?

—yes,he has

a.an;some b.a;one c.a;/ d.any;one

2.there is __old bike. _old bike is mr zhao's.

a.an ;the b.the;an c.a;the d.the;the

3. _apple a day keeps the doctors aw ay.

a.the b.a c.an d.two

4.—how many books do you h**e?

—i h**e __book.that's __english book.

a.a;an b.a;one c.one;an d.one;one

5.at that time tom was __one-year-old baby.

a.a b.an c.the d./

6. _tiger is __china.

a.the;a b.a;the c.the;from d.the;the

7.we can't see __sun at __night.

a.the;the b.the;/ c.a;/ d./;

8. _useful book it is!

a.what an b.how a c.what a d.what

9.one afternoon he found __handbag.there was __s”on the corner of __handbag.


二 冠词。01 命题趋势考标导向化。近几年中考对冠词的考查重点是不定冠词a和an的区别,定冠词及零冠词。对冠词的习惯用法的考查是主要考点之一,所以对此类用法一定要熟记在心。另外在学习中,应充分重视对最基本的冠词知识的理解 掌握,同时注意冠词活用的问题。做题时要弄清句子中的单数名词 复数名词或不可数名...

2019中考英语考点 冠词详解

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