
发布 2021-05-14 20:37:28 阅读 6483

二。 冠词: 不定冠词a/an; 定冠词the


1. a n+ 元音音素开头。

特例:a uniform; a university; a useful way; )

a/an 1)表示某个---不具体说明或第一次提到的人或物。


3) 表示“一”,但较one的语气弱。

2. 固定短语:

a lot of; a great many; a few;

a great deal of; a little; a bit of--;

a moment ago; h**e a cold;

h**e a good time;

as a result (of---

all of a sudden


1. 1)指上文提到过的人或物。



4)世界上独一无二的事物。 the sun; the moon; the earth; the sky; the world

5) the+姓氏s 表示一家人。

6)the +序数词/形容词的最高级。


the old ; the young; the poor; the rich; the good; the english; the sick; the deaf; the wounded;

8) play+ the +乐器。

9)表示方位: 介词+the+方位名词。

in the east; in the north; in the front; at the back; in the bottom; at the top; on the right;


in the morning/afternoon/evening;

go to the cinema;

all the year round; in the 1960s


1) 专有名词前无冠词。






go to school; go to bed; by train;

at school; at home ; at table; at work;

at noon; at night; on earth;

in hospital; in town; in space;

习题精编:1.—lily, open __door, please. –i’m coming.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

2.—may i h**e a look at the mp4, sir?

-which one? _black one?

a. a b. an c. the d. /

3. –mike , could you come and give me __hand? -ok, mom. i’m coming now.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

4. –lily is coming by __plane tomorrow.

-let’s go to __airport to meet her.

a. a; a b. /a c. the; the d. /the

5. –are you __american or english?

-english. we are working in wuhu.

a. a b. /c. the d. an

6. –what shall we h**e for supper?

-i bought __big fish at __only market near my office.

a. a; a b. a; the c. the; /

7.—look! what’s in the tree?

-__bird, i think.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

8. –do you know yao ming’s child was born?

-yeah! it is __lovely baby girl.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

9. –what were you doing at ten last night?

-i was playing __guitar.

a. a b. the c. /

10. many people think that 2012 is one of __most successful films.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

can h**e __blue sky if we create __less polluted world.

a. a; a b. a; the c. the; a d. the; the

12. in the united states, father’s day falls on __third sunday in __june.

a. the; /b. the; a c. /the d. a; /

13. –what would you like for __breakfast, mr. green?

–two pieces of bread and __cup of tea, please.

a. a; the b. /a c. /the

14. –by the way, h**e you got __e-mail address?

oh, yes, it is

a. a b. an c. the d. /

often take part in after-class activities. i like to play __basketball, but my brother likes to play __guitar.

a. a; the b. the; the c. /d. /the

16.—how was __dinner at mike’s house?

-it was great. mike’s mum is wonderful cook.

a. a; the b. the; a c. the; the d. a; an

17. time is __one-way street. once it goes by never comes back.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

18. lucy often has __breakfast at home.

a. a b. /c. the

19. the doctor told me to take __medicine three times __day.

a. a; a b. the; a c. the; the

20. tome is a clever boy. he plays __piano very well. a. the b. a c. an

21. yesterday an eight-year-old boy fell into a pond. _boy was s**ed by a farmer.

a. the b. a c. an

22. beijing is __capital of china and it is __city with many places of interest.

a b. a; the c. the; a d. the; the

had dinner at __very nice restaurant, but now i can’t remember __name.

a. a; a b. the; a c. the; the d. a; the

24. my best friend neil is __honest boy. you can believe him.

a. a b. an c.

the d. /

there is __map of china on the wall.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

26. liu ming is __18-year-old student. he got a gold medal in the competition.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

27. i found __dead dog in the river yesterday. but at first i thought it was my pet cat.

a. a b. an c. the d. one

28. i know you don’t like listening to music very much. but how about __music in the film we saw yesterday?

a. /b. the; the c. /the

29. jenny is __american. she works in __company in china now.

a. an; a b. an; the c. a; an

30. thank you so much. i really like___scarf you g**e me yesterday. it looks very nice.

英语中考专题复习 冠词

冠词。a.直击重庆中考。1 2013 how do you like color of my dress?wonderful i like it very much.a.a b.an c.the d.2.2012 lin isgood basketball player in the nba.a.a...

中考英语专题复习 冠词

中考英语专项复习 冠词。冠词命题 考查重点为 1 不定冠词 定冠词 零冠词的使用情况 2 不定冠词a和an的使用情况。解题关键 熟记各种冠词的适用范围!考点诠释 一 不定冠词a和an 1 不定冠词一般只用于 单数可数名词 之前。1 a 用于以辅音音素开头的单词前 2 an 用于以元音音素开头的单词前...


二 冠词。01 命题趋势考标导向化。近几年中考对冠词的考查重点是不定冠词a和an的区别,定冠词及零冠词。对冠词的习惯用法的考查是主要考点之一,所以对此类用法一定要熟记在心。另外在学习中,应充分重视对最基本的冠词知识的理解 掌握,同时注意冠词活用的问题。做题时要弄清句子中的单数名词 复数名词或不可数名...