
发布 2021-05-14 20:34:28 阅读 7735

在历届高考试题中,对定语从句及相关从句的考试题,几乎是每年都有,出题角度变化无常,且定语从句的教学在中学英语教学中居十分重要的地位.1. the factoryhis mother works is in the east of the city.

a. thatb. whichc.

on whichd. where答案:d.关系副词where在定语从句中作地点状语.2.

the placeinterested me most was the children’s palace.

a. whichb. wherec. whatd. in which

答案:a.关系代词which代theplace,在定语从句中作主语,所以不能选b,d.如不用the place就选c,主语从句.

归纳:在学习定语从句时不要一看到表示地点的字眼就选where或in which等。3. please make a mark __you don’t understand.

a. whereb. in whichc. at whichd. that答案:a.where引导地点状语从句。

4. they talked of things and persons __they remembered in the school.

a. thatb. \c. whomd. both a and b

答案d先行词为things and persons为人和事,只能用that ,因为作宾语,故可省。5. all __has to be done every day is to listen and to repeat what he does.

a. thatb. whichc. whomd. he

答案a先行词all为不定代词,只能用that ,不能用which.此外还有先行词为anything, everything, nothing, any ,little, one, few, much, none等,如:(1)there isn’t much that i can do.

2)he is one of the few that can work it out in five minutes.6. this is the biggest library __we h**e ever built in our university.

a. whichb. wherec. thatd. one

答案c当先行词由形容词最高级或被形容词最高级修饰时用that.7 this is the first place __i’ve ever visited.

a. whereb. in whichc.

thatd. which答案c当先行词为序数词或被序数词修饰时用that.8.

is this the very museum __you visited the other day?

a. whichb. thatc.

whatd. where答案b当先行词被the very, the only等修饰时用that9. she is wearing the same dress __she wore yesterday.

a. likeb. asc. thatd. which

答案c当先行词被the same修饰,且指“同一物品”时用that.10. he is not the man __he was.

a. whatb. thatc.

asd. who答案b关系代词在定语从句中作表语时用that.11.

which is the book __you bought yesterday?

a. whichb. thatc. whatd. the one

答案b当主语从句是以who, which开头的特殊疑问句或先行词是who时用that.12. i h**e the same book __you bought yesterday.

a. asb. thatc.

whichd. what答案a the same与as搭配,请与第九题比较。13.

do you h**e such a book __he has?

a. asb. thatc. whichd. what答案a as与关系代词such搭配。

14is known to all, the earth moves around the sun.

a. itb. asc. whichd. that


15is known to all that the earth moves around the sun.

a. itb. asc. whichd. that答案a it为形式主语,不可用that.

16. he was late this morning, _made the teacher angry.

a. that

b. which

c. asd. what

答案为b which用于非限定性定语从句,无先行词,代替“他迟到”这件事。不用as因为无“正如”的意思。

17. soon we arrived at the school, in front of __grew a lot of flowers.

a. itb. thatc. whered. which答案d关系代词前用介词或短语介词指物品时只能用which.

18. he wrote several songs last year, and three of __were very popular among young people.

a. themb. whichc.

whatd. that答案a此句不是从句,而是用and连接的并列句,故用them.19.

soon we came to a small house; _stood a very tall tree.

a. in front of thatb. in front of itc.

in front of whichd. in the front of it答案b因为前面用“;”前后两个是独立单句,不能用关系代词。 he stories about the long march, _this is one example, are well written.

a. for which

b. of which

c. that

d. what

答案b one example of the stories

21. the old man has a daughter, _a better daughter does not exist.

a. of whichb. with whomc. whosed. than whom

答案d定语从句为a better daughter than whom does not exist.为了句子结构严谨,thanwhom调到定语从句前。

22. do you remember the day __we spent __climbing mount tai last summer?

a. \goingb. when; in goingc. on which; goingd. which; to go

答案a关系代词作宾语时可省去,前空可用that, which或\,后空可用going或in going.23. i’ll never forget the days __we played together in our childhood.

a. whichb. thatc.

\d. when答案d因为play为不及物动词,可用on which或when .24.

the reason __he was late was __he got up too late.

a. why, thatb. that, whyc. why, becaused. that, because

答案ahe was late for the reason . for the reason用关系副词why来代替,后面用that引导表语从句,不能用because.

25. the reason___he told us sounds reasonable.

a. thatb. whichc. whyd. for which

答案a句子结构为he told us the reason ,关系代词that作told的直接宾语。26. the news __he has won the medal is true

a. thatb. whichc.

\d. what答案a that连接同位语从句,而不是定语从句。27.

the news___he told us is not true. which is not right?

a. thatb. whichc. \d. what

答案为d,这是定语从句,关系代词which或that作told的宾语也可省28. the house __h**e been broken __to be repaired.

a. which windows, needsb. whose window, needsc.

the window of it, needd. the windows of which, needs答案d可用d或windows,但不可用which windows.29.

the children __parents died has just been sent to an orphan’s house.

a. hisb. thatc.

whosed. which答案c不能用his,因为必须要关系代词引导定语从句。30.

he is the only one of the students __late this morning.

a. who isb. who wasc. who ared. who were答案为b因为先行词为the only one ,故用单数。

31. he is one of the teacherspraised by the government at the meeting.

a. whom were

b. who was

c. whom was

d. who were

答案为d,关系代词who的先行词为the teachers为复数32. i, _your good friend, will try my best to help you who is

b. who am

c. that is

d. what is

答案为b,因为关系代词who的先行词为i33. is this book __you referred to at the meeting?a. that

b. which

c. the one

d. what



34. is this factory __his mother worked? ten years ago.

which can’t be used?a. the one

b. where

c. the one where

d. the one in which

答案为a,用b,该句为表语从句,用c、d该句为定语从句35. plants grow well __there is enough sunlight and where

b. in which

c. in the place

d. with

答案为a,用where引导地点状语从句。36. i don’t like the way __you speak to your /

b. in that

c. which

d. of which



37. is this the house __once lu xun lived in his childhood?a. the one

b. where

c. which

d. that

答案为b,先行词为the house38. has __must be done been done?a. all

b. all that

c. that

d. it答案为b,也可用what连接主语从句,all that为定语从句。

39. those foreign teachers, most of __h**e never been to china before, are enjoying their

work h**e very who

b. whom

c. them

d. that

答案为b,most of whom为主语,但whom作介词of的宾语。40. _you met mr.

green for the first time?a. where it was that

b. was it where that

c. where was it thatd. where was it where

答案为c,应为强调句,对it was in the street that you met ….进行提问即可得到。


定语从句及相关从句辨别与讲解在历届高考试题中,对定语从句及相关从句的考试题,几乎是每年都有,出题角度变化无常,且定语从句的教学在中学英语教学中居十分重要的地位 1.the factoryhis mother works is in the east of the thatb.whichc.on wh...


在历届高考试题中,对定语从句及相关从句的考试题,几乎是每年都有,出题角度变化无常,且定语从句的教学在中学英语教学中居十分重要的地位 1.the factoryhis mother works is in the east of the city.a.that b.which c.on which d...


定语从句及相关从句辨别与讲解在历届高考试题中,对定语从句及相关从句的考试题,几乎是每年都有,出题角度变化无常,且定语从句的教学在中学英语教学中居十分重要的地位 1.the factoryhis mother works is in the east of the thatb.whichc.on wh...