
发布 2021-05-14 08:39:28 阅读 7411


1. 先确定先行词,再判断先行词在定语从句中的所作的成分。先行词在定语从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、补语时使用关系代词;先行词作状语时,使用关系副词。

关系代词:which, that(非限定性定语从句、以及介词后不用), who, whom, whose, as

关系副词:where, when, why(非限定性定语从句不用)

2. 限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的区别:限定性定语从句提供的信息通常是必要的,而非限定性定语从句提供的信息是额外的;形式上限定性定语从句和先行词之间没有“,”而非限定性定语从句和先行词之间有“,”相隔,;非限定性定语从句不能使用that为关系代词,不使用why作关系副词。

3. 几点需要注意的地方。

a. 严格的讲,人在定语从句中作主语时应使用先行词“who”,作宾语时使用“whom”

she is the girl __i went to shanghai with.

b. who和that都可以指人,以下情况使用who

there is an old man who wants to see you.

one who has nothing to fear dares to tell the truth.

anyone who fails to finish the task will be punished.

those who want to go to the great wall should sign their names here.

i met a foreigner in the street who could ask me questions in chinese.

the boy that you met last night is the group leader who works very hard.

cf. who is that woman that was praised at the meeting?

c. whose可以表示人或物的所有格。

the room whose windows are broken is the dormitory where i live.

d. 在限定性定语从句中,which和that都可以指物,以下情况一般使用that.

this is the best place that i h**e visited.

he is the last person that has seen the victim.

do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?

edison built up a factory which produced things that we had never seen before.

which is the bike that you lost?

e. as 作为关系代词。

we h**e found such materials as are used in their factory.

such people as you describe are short nowadays.

he is not the same man as he was.

this book is not such as i expect.

i h**e not many, but i will send you such as i h**e.

he works in the same shop as/that i do.

she is the same age as you.

as is known to us, taiwan belongs to china.

as everybody knows, taiwan belongs to china.

f. 只能选择that作为关系代词的情况。

先行词前面有only/any/few/little/no/all/one of/the same/the very等修饰。

the only thing that we can do is to give you some money.

li ming is the only one that got full marks in our class.


you should hand in all that you h**e.


1. there are around 400 students in our grade. most of us are from the shahekou district.


2. this is a chinese restaurant. i often go to the chinese restaurant.

3. mr. li has two daughters. both of them are doctors.

4. li ming often helps me with my maths. he is very kind.

5. the boss made the workers work late again. that annoyed them.

6. the tigers that are in the wild zoo are he**y. the biggest of them is more than 200 pounds.


1. would you like to give me the bookcover is green.

2. the visitors want to live at the hotelthey lived last time.

3. return the tools tog**e them to you.

a whatever b whichever c whoever d whomever

4. is there anything __i can do to help.

5. i like to go shopping at the weekdaysthe shop isn’t crowded.

6. d**id helped me clean up, _was very kind of him.答案:二。

1. there are around 400 students in our grade, most of whom are from the shahekou district.

2. this is the chinese restaurant where i often go.

this is the chinese restaurant to which where i often go.

this is the chinese restaurant which where i often go to.

3. mr. li has two daughters, both of whom are doctors.

mr. li has two daughters, who are doctors.

4. li ming often helps me with my maths, which is very kind of him.

5. the boss made the workers work late again, which annoyed them.

6. the tigers that are in the wild zoo are he**y, the biggest of which is more than 200 pounds.

三 1. whose

2. where/in which

3. c4. that

5. when

6. which


定语从句 一 1 概念 主句 从句 定语从句 先行词 引导词。定语从句 以句子的形式存在,在整个复合句中起修饰限制名词或代词的作用,即充当定语成分。从句的特点 由引导词引导 从句的时态要服从于主句 从句的语序为陈述句的语序 定语从句的结构通常为 先行词 引导词 从句。2 引导词that,which与...


1 定语从句入门 15 1.1 i like music that i can dance to.翻译。想一想 that i can dance to 在本句中做什么成分。所以我们就把这个句子称作由that 引导的从句。注意 music被称作先行词,that 称作关系词。2 i like the b...


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