时态讲解 一 2019届中考英语冲刺复习检测试题

发布 2021-05-14 04:16:28 阅读 1202






1)肯定式:主语+be+v-ing+其它。如:he is mending his bike.他正在修自行车。


he is not(isn't)mending his bike.他没在修自行车。(3)疑问式:主要分一般疑问句和特殊疑问句两种句式。


—is he mending his bike?他正在修自行车吗?—yes,heis.(no,he isn't.)


what is he doing?他正在干什么?



look!the children are playing games over there.listen!who's singing in the classroom?

2)当句子中有now(现在)时,常表示说话时动作正在进行,这时也常用现在进行时。如:we are reading english now.

3)描述**中的人物的动作时常用现在进行时,以示生动。如:look at the picture.the girl is swimming.(4)表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作时常用现在进行时。

这时常与时间状语these days,this week等连用。如:

we are playing football these days.这些天我们在踢足球。(5)有时句子中可能没有时间状语,但如果表示的是说话时或者现阶段正在进行的动作,就应该用现在进行时。如:

—what's jim doing?吉姆在干什么?—he is cleaning the room.他正在打扫房间。



i h**e a new bike now.现在我有一辆新的自行车。但不说:i'mh**ing a new bike now.

四、有些动词的现在进行时表示近期按计划或安排要进行的动作。go,come,le**e,start,arrive,return,work,sleep,stay,play,do, h**e,wear, die等。如:

she's coming to see me tomorrow.她明天要来看我。the football match is starting next monday.

五、另外,有一些表示状态和感觉的动词,一般不用于现在进行时态be,love,like,hate,want,hope,need,prefer,wish,know,understand,remember,guess,mean,think(以为),feel, seem, look(看起来),see, own, hear, find,mind(在意),h**e(有)等。



1.look!tom and his parentsswim)in the river now.

2.it's only 7 o'clock,but marysleep)in bed.shenot go)to bed so early every night.she is ill today.3.—ido)my homework.but my pen is broken.—don'tworry).i'llmend)it for you now.4.—what are they doing now?

theyput)on their clothes.

5.it's five o'clock.the studentsplay)football on theplayground.

6.listen!jim's radiomake)a loud noise.would you pleasetell himturn)it down?二、句型转换。

1.he is at work now.(改为同义句)henow.

2.they play basketball in the morning.(用now替换划线部分)theybasketball now.

3.the teacher is talking to my brother.(对划线部分提问)

___is the teacher talking tois the teacher talking?

4.mr. green is teaching us english.(对划线部分提问mr. green

5.the women are working near the house.(对划线部分提问the women working?

6.tom and his classmates are cleaning the windows.(同义句)tomhis classmates is cleaning the windows.三、单项选择题。

1.—what're the children doing?—they

a.are listening the radiob.are looking booksc.are watching tvd.seeing a film

2.there is a dogin the yard(院子)now.a.runb.runningc.runsd.is running

3.we __any chinese classes on thursday.we __an english classnow.

a.aren't h**ing;h**eb.don't h**e;h**e

c.don't h**e;are h**ingd.aren't h**ing;are h**ing4.the twinsred skirts today.they look fine.a.are wearingb.are putting onc.are weard.put on5.one of the boysstanding by the lake.a.areb.bec.isd.am

6.it's 12 o'clock.the green familylunch.a.h**eb.hasc.are h**ingd.is h**ing

口语积累。1. how much?

多少钱?2. i'm full.我饱了。

3. i'm home.我回来了。4.

i'm lost.我迷路了。5. my treat我请客6.

this way。这边请7. after you.您先8 bless you!

祝福你!9 follow me.跟我来。10 forget it!

休想! (算了!)


一般现在时表示经常性的动作;而现在进行时表示暂时性的动作。he walks to work.


he's walking to work because his bike is being repaired.他现在走着上班,因为他的自行车正在修理。(只是暂时的情况)where does he live?

他家住在哪儿?(询问一般的情况)where is he living(staying)?他这几天住在哪儿?(询问暂时一段时间的情况)

6现在进行时有时可用来代替一般现在时,表达说话人的某种感惰,使句子有强烈的感**彩。常与always,forever连用。you are always forgetting the important thing.

你总是把重要的事情忘掉。(表达出不满的情绪)mary is doing fine work at school.玛丽在学校学习得挺不错。

比mary does fine work.更富有赞许的意思)


中考英语动词时态复习七大考点。时态是初中英语语法难点,也是中考的重要考点,其考点主要集中在以下几个方面 考点1 一般现在时的用法考查。一般现在时主要有如下几点用法 1 经常性或习惯性的动作。例如 it seldom snows in suqian now.2 现在的特征或状态。例如 he loves...


1.现在完成时的定义。现在完成时既可表示过去发生的动作对现在所造成的结果或影响 此时通常连用的时间状语有already,yet,just,ever,before 也可表示动作从过去某时间开始,一直持续到现在,并且还有可能持续下去 此时通常连用的时间状语有this month week year,th...


注 黄色部分为需要掌握的六种时态,其他两种只需了解。一一般现在时。1 用法 1 表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。often helps to do housework at home.2 表示客观事实或普遍真理。earth goes around the sun.3 在时间,条件等状语从句中,...