
发布 2021-05-09 15:16:28 阅读 4213

开放英语学习笔记 2010

unit 1

unit 1 talking about people activity(任务)

my name is d**id riley.

my name is natalie force.

my name is kevin dutch.

my name is pete rossi.

miss eader?

yes.my name is clay, clay d**id.

hello, i am d**id.

i am natalie.

i am kevin.

where are you from, natalie?

i am from england.

where are you from, kevin?

i am from the united states.

mr. rossi, where are you from?


where are you from?

i am from japan.

what’s your job?

i’m a teacher. i am a teacher of english and foreign languages.

i’m an architect.

i’m a housewife.

i’m a doctor.

what do you like doing in your free time?

excuse me.

what do you like doing in your free time?

i like studying chinese. ni hao.

what do you like doing in your free time?

playing computer games. i like playing computer games.

what do you like doing in your free time?

i like watching tv in my free time.

what do you like doing in your free time?

i like watching tv

i like watching tv

i like watching tv.

we like watching tv in our free time.

story time (the lost secret)

i’m a bird.

i can fly.

the nine thirty train to winchester is at platform 1.

hurry up! george, the train is le**ing.

get me some coffee.


yes. coffee.

oh, where?

that way.

ticket, please. ticket, please. thank you.

is this the train to winchester?

yes, this is the train to winchester, your ticket, please.

oh. my ticket.

this is your ticket? are you going to winchester?

yes. i am going to winchester.

here are our tickets. this is my ticket, this is his ticket, and this is his ticket.

thank you.

总结。一,unit focus(语法词汇语言功能讲解)

how to give informmation about yourself and other people;

how to ask someone about themselves;

how to talk about leisure activities;

hou to give information about tr**el arrangements.


动词to be

am (not) are (not) is(not)

现在式。单数 i am a student. you are a student. he is a student.

i am not a student. you are not a student. he is not a student.

复数we are students. you are students. they are students.

i am not a manager. are you a manager?

用yes 和no回答的问句我们叫它一般疑问句,用疑问词开头的问句我们叫它特殊疑问句。


you are a student. are you a student?

he is a student. is he a student?


what is your name? what’s your name?


am ..name is...

my name is d**id riley.

be from...来自。国家,地方)

i’m from america.我来自美国。

i’m american.我是美国人。

he’s from enland.

he’s english.

where are you from? i’m from ..

the united states 是the united states of america美国的简略形式。

谈论职业。student 学生 teacher 教师 worker 工人 a secretary秘书 manager经理 restaurant owner餐馆老板 a businessman

a businesswoman商人an architect 建筑师 civil servant 公务员 (an) accountant会计 an electrician 电工。


例句:i am lin xiao yan.

i am a deputy (副的)it manager.我是信息技术部的副经理。

he’s d**id manning.

he’s an it manager.

what‘s your her job? what’s his job? what’s lin xiaoyan’s job? what’s d**id’s job?

an architect(建筑师)

engineer(工程师) electrician (电工)


动词 like 的用法。

结构:like + v ing (i like playing football)

like donging sth...

student chinese

i like studenting chinese.

play computer games

he likes playing computer games.

readshe likes reading.

watch tv

we like watch tv.

in one’s free time(在业余时间)

the plane le**es(及物动词直接加地点) shanghai at 18.25and arrives (不及物)in london at 20.50.

arrive in shanghai(城市)

或者arrive at加具体地点。

listen to

listen to the radiao

look at

look at the example看看例子。


i am d**id. my name is d**id.

you work in london. your job is in london.

he is from italy. his parents are from italy.

she is from russia. her mother is from russia.

we are ten years old. our dog is 8 years old.

they are from london. their home is in london.

it is our dog. its name is rex.


sally’s friend is greek.

john’s father is chinese.

the manager’s home is in london.

what is polly’s job?

language focus

规则动词。live,work都是动词,主语是第三人称单数时,动词词尾加-s,如 mary lives in london.

to live to work

i live i work

he/she/it lives he /she/it works



job jobs bank banks


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