
发布 2020-01-02 10:41:28 阅读 3629

***** covered edition平装本,hard copy edition精装本;的摘要abstract;adopt skills采用技巧,adopt children****;assess意为“评估,评定”;acquire a degree是一个固定的搭配,意为获得学位;reverse gear是固定搭配,意为“机动车中的倒车挡位”;diverse意为“变化多的,不同的”;multitude n. 多数,群众(the multitude);【assert v. 断言,声称 |

asset n. 财产;资产 】;blink v. 眨眼 brink n.

(峭岸、崖的)边缘 ;broom n. 扫帚;grief n. 悲痛;clash v.

冲突,撞击声,抵触 crash v. 碰撞,坠落,坠毁 crush vt. 压碎,碾碎,压服 ;complement 补助,补足 implement vt.

贯彻,实现 ;expand operations 扩展业务 ;bride意为“新娘”,crib意为“抄袭”;coarse“粗糙的”,course“一道菜”;conscious“意为有意识的,有知觉的”,conscience意为“良心,道德”;dedicate“奉献,致力于”,delicate“精致的,精巧的”;contend v.(against, for, with)斗争,竞争;explicit a. 明确的;清楚的 implicit a.

暗含的;含蓄的;(the mass)群众,民众 ;stuff ① n. 原料,材料,素材,资料 ② vt. 塞满,填满,填充 ; virtual a.

实际上的;事实上的 virtue n. 德行; mortal a. 致命的 ; 1.

conflict n. &v. 斗争,冲突 conflict of interest 利益冲突 2.

absurd a. 荒谬的,可笑的 don’t be absurd! 不要胡闹!

3. unstable a. 不牢固的,不稳定的 unstable weather 不稳定的天气 ; intimate意为“亲密的”intimidate意为“胁迫”;initiate意为“开始,发起”;devise vt.

设计,发明,图谋 revise vt. 修订,校订;disgust ① vi. 令人厌恶,令人反感 ② vt.

使作呕;gasp vi. 喘息,气喘 vt. 气吁吁地说 grasp vt.

抓住,抓紧,掌握,领会 n. 抓住,抓紧,掌握,领会;cling vi.(clung)粘紧,附着;坚持(常与to连用)fling vt.

(flung)(用力)扔,掷,扑;one’s pattern of beh**ior 一个人的行为特点,in his character as the father 以父亲的身份;office building 写字楼;spectator(n. 观众)spectacle(n. 观览物)(引人入胜的东西需要观众用眼睛看);profess v.

表示precede v. 领先(于),在……之前,先于precaution n. 预防;perceive vt.

察觉perfume n. 香味,芳香,香水;transcend vt. 超越,胜过transaction n.

交易,事务transfer vt. 转移,调转,调任;discard vt. 丢弃,抛弃;defer vi.

推迟,延期detach vt. 分开,分离;science is on the march. 科学正在发展中the rope snapped.

绳子突然断了;explicit a. 外在的,清楚的,直率的coexist vi. 共存concord n.

和谐,一致,和睦confront vt. 使面临,对抗overlap v. 重叠overturn vt.

推翻,颠倒;incline vt. 使倾向于,使倾斜imprison vt. 监禁,关押 inhibit vt.

(常与from连用)阻止,抑制;i acknowledge the truth of his statement. 我承认他说的是事实enlighten: 启发,开导;resume vt.

再继续,重新开始;n. 履历;excess a. 过度的,额外的;inject vt.

注射;retain vt. 保持,保留;a speech that lacked impact 毫无影响力的演说they are compiling a dictionary of new words. 他们正在编写一部新词的词典;proficient熟练的,专家; transmit vt.

传输,转送,传达;abrupt a. 突然的,陡峭的,生硬的;compress vt. 压缩,浓缩oppress vt.

压迫,压抑;confine vt. 限制,禁闭;the incident sparked a controversy. 这一事件引发了一场争端a controversial movie 一场有争议的电影 ;a powerful performance that electrified the audience.


h**e five days off放假the sports meet;as long as只要;made a good salary.

needn’t h**e borrowed本来不必;by the time shall h**e left;it’s time was;would rather did not;it was the second time had interrupted me;but for his help, i would not h**e finished;resort to force诉助武力;not so much a writer as a reporter与其说是个作家不如说是; may just as well stay at home不妨;stain the new carpet弄脏了新地毯);i’d rather you didn’t do anything;play indispensable roles起着不可缺少的作用; second only to仅次于;not to speak of/not to mention/let alone going abroad(更不用说;we all sympathized with同情;.interfere with妨碍;impose tax on征税;adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to)(遵守) the rules;by comparison of(相比较) the two companies;nearly couldn't 几乎无法;declares that under no circumstance will china;being nowhere一事无成;h**ing no idea about 毫不知情;has deprived剥夺了他的政治权利 his political rights;setting a good example以身作则;foreseeing what is to come预见将来;they thought it a pity not to h**e invited her;fastened to the floor固定在地板上;mainly due to ;all the members except the chairman 除了; foreign and domestic trade国内外**;whether (it is) heated or not不管是否;spend only half as much (money)一半的钱;attribute their children's success to把孩子的成功归因于;make an exception in your case对你我就破一次例;i didn't mean to ;


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