
发布 2021-05-09 15:12:28 阅读 5317






don't won' you are.

all the congratulations!

he's nice,and i like 's fine,thanks.

's ok,but i don't like the it's a big classroom.

'll buy you later.

can say that down,please.

one in the blue trousers? 's a 'm sorry to hear that.

other doesn't ahead.

watch a little don't like watching tv.

like watching tv very h**e a lot of free time.



watch is old?

's. 's. 's. 's.

are the black shoes?

the blue to the brown ones.

there done sand the brown front of there dones.

day is mike's birthday?

pencil-box does the woman want to buy?

big green small orange one.

big orange small green one.

are they going to do tomorrow afternoon?

some to the same beautiful place.

joe and joe and linda to school.


bus did jane le**e her bagon?

8:04 bus from 8:40 bus from london.

8:04 bus to 8:40 bus to london.

does jane's bag look like?

colour is jane's bag?

does jane h**e in her bag?

books,pens and her id and keys.

books,keys and books,keys and her id card.

what time is jane going to the station tomorrow?


i. 听辨单词(words)

1-5 cbdca

ii. 句子理解(responses)

6-10 bcdac

iii. 对话理解(dialogues)

a) 11-15 cabdb

b) 16-20 bcdbc



1. a. whom b. who c. whose d. wrong

2. a. spell b. dress c. secret d. desk

3. a. birds b. flowers c. maps d. boys

4. a. come b. brother c. mother d. go

5. a. think b. father c. those d. that

一、 1. d 2. c 3. c 4. d 5. a

二、 用括号内单词的适当形式填空(10分)

1lily) father is at home.

2. thoseman) bikes are under the tree.

3. is thishe) pencil?

4. themap) on the wall are chinese.

5come) there, there's a bird in the tree.

6. look at the threebox) on the desk.

7. that'si)desk. this one isyou) desk.

8. those girls arejapan).

9. excuse me, is the coattom)?

b. 1. lily's 2.

men's 3. his 4. maps 5.

come 6. boxes 7. my, your 8.

japanese 9. tom's


1. are these your bookshis books?

a. or b. and c. with d. /

2on the desk?

-yes, it is.

a. what's b. where is

c. is bill's bag d. are tom's pens

3. these are our books. please look after

a. their b. they c. it d. them

4. wherethe students?

a. am b. is c. are d. /

5. "hello! 34776855""hello

a. this is tom. b. i'm tom.

c. who are you? d. are you tom?

6. miss li is a teacher, meimei isstudent.

a. his b. my c. her d. she

7are good friends.

a. i b. ann c. i and ann d. ann and i

8sister is an english teacher.

a. jim and kate b. jim's and kate's

c. jim's and kate d. jim and kate's

9. do you know the namethe girl?

a. in b. on c. of d. at

10. it's a picture offamily.


个人收集整理资料,仅供交流学习,勿作商业用途。小升初英语模拟测试卷。姓名班级分数。听力部分。一 听录音,选出你所听到的字母 大小写 10二 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10 1.a.colorb.redc.greend.blue tallb.shortc.fatd.thin b...


2012昆明市小升初英语模拟试题 一 爱知教育 同学们要相信自己哦,加油。come on 时间 40分钟满分 100分 一 选择划线部分读音与众不同的单词。每题2分,共10分 1 a.bike b.bring c.nice 2 a.they b.this c.three 3 a.know b.now...


一 完成单词拼写,并写出汉语意思。h mb rger sp ce sh p m st ke wo y 二 请根据所给语境补全句子中的单词或短语。1 i m口渴 i want to drink some water.2 she often收拾 her room.3 the river is ten千 ...