
发布 2021-05-09 15:08:28 阅读 4026






>1. a. colorb. redc. greend. blue (tallb. shortc. fatd. thin b5e2rgbcap

>3. a. hairb. herec. whered. there (noseb. phonec. noted. zero p1eanqfdpw

>5. a. lightb.

brightc. writed. fight三、听录音,选出你所听到句子的正确答语。

10(>1. a. it’s they are blue.

c. she is she is 15.

>2. a. she is a little she is 13.

c. she likes she is american.(>3. a. yes, i h**eb. yes, i do

c. yes, i yes, she does(>4. a. yes, it doesb. yes it is

c. no, it doesn’td. no, it is(>5. a. yes, he isb. no, he isn’t

c. yes, it isd. no, it doesn’t四、听录音,补全短文,每空一词。10


ih**ean__1___fat. he likes eating bananas. he often wears a __4___shirt andblue pants.

he looks__5___dxdita9e3d笔试部分。


>1. _name is ann. what’s __name?

>2it’s my friend, tom.

your name 5pczvd7hxa

>3. maria is __english theb. ac. and. /

>4. he is from canada, he is a __

>5is your mother?--she is how oldb. whatc.

whered. how(>6. what’s this __japanese?

a. ofb. toc.

ind. at(>7. -how do you do


a. how old are you?b. fine, how are you? do you do? xhaqx74j0x(> s this your __

a. a watchb. watchc. watchesd. a watches(>9it’s six o’clock.

old are you ldaytrykfe

>10. how much are these socks ?

a. it’s two yuan .b. they’re two yuan . c. they’re two

>11.__are her __

a. this, brotherb. these, brothersc. these, brotherd. these, brothers(>12..football


aboy’sc. boy’s dvzfvkwmi1

>13. -are you dick?--yes, _a. i amb. you arec i’ you is.


>14. -thanks very much

a. all rightb. don’t thank mec. that’s oh,

>15is changchun?--it’s in whereb. howc.

whatd. who二、选句子补全下列对话。201.-how old are you?

fine,thank you。i' m twelve>emxvxotoco2.-what' s the time?

it' s fine。it' s five>4.-is this your sister?

yes,she is。she is lucy>5.-what colour is the skirt?

it' s white。it' s a dress>sixe2yxpq56who are they。whose are they>6ewmyirqfl-they are mine.7.-who' s on duty today?

yes,i am。i am>8.-are the twins eleven?


it' s on the floor.


10.-jim,your picture is very good.


i am a chinese boy. my name is li fei. i am a student.

my i don’t h**e a sister or a brother. but i h**e two too. m2ub6vstnp


> are three people in my family. (mother isa teacher of chinese. 0yujcfmucw

>> euts8zqvrd

> is an english family.申明:



2012昆明市小升初英语模拟试题 一 爱知教育 同学们要相信自己哦,加油。come on 时间 40分钟满分 100分 一 选择划线部分读音与众不同的单词。每题2分,共10分 1 a.bike b.bring c.nice 2 a.they b.this c.three 3 a.know b.now...


一听力部分 共三大题,计20分 i.听辨单词 words 共5小题,计5分 请听句子,从a,b,c,d四个选项中选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。每个句子只读一遍。答案涂在答题纸上 ii.问句应答 responses 共5小题,计5分 请听句子,从a,b,c,d四个选项中选出能最恰当回答所听句子的选项...


一 完成单词拼写,并写出汉语意思。h mb rger sp ce sh p m st ke wo y 二 请根据所给语境补全句子中的单词或短语。1 i m口渴 i want to drink some water.2 she often收拾 her room.3 the river is ten千 ...