
发布 2021-05-08 08:22:28 阅读 4147




例1 "do you know jim quarrelled with his brother?"“i don't know,_.nmet1991)

a. nor don't i care b. nor do i care

c. i don't care neither d. i don't care also


实义动词的倒装要在主语前面加助动词do,does,did等,此时谓语动词要用动词原形。常见的否定词或否定结构(包含否定意义的词语)有neither, nor, never, hardly,little, seldom, scarcely, barely, nowhere, not until, no sooner...than, hardly...

when, not only...but also...at no time, not once,by no means等。

例如:little did einstein care for money.

by no means / never/at no time will that country be a superpower.

试题选练。1.they h**e a good knowledge of english but little_they know about german.(2005天津)

a. h**e b. did c. had d. do

2. not until all the fish died in the river_how serious the pollution was.(nmet1995)

a.did the villagers realize b. the villagers realize

c. the villagers did realize d. didn't the villagers realize

3._snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.(2004上海)

a. not only they brought b. not only did they bring

c. not only brought they d. not only they did bring

4. the old couple h**e been married for 40 years and never once_with each other.(nmet2003)

a. they had quarreled b. they h**e quarreled

c. h**e they quarreled d. had they quarreled

5. maybe you h**e been to many countries, but nowhere else_such a beautiful palace.(2004辽宁)

a can you find b. you could find

c. you can find d. could you find

6.一did linda see the traffic accident?

一no,no sooner_than it happened.(2006天津)

a. had she gone b. she had gone

c. has she gone d. she has gone

7. i've tried very hard to improve my english. but by no means_with my progress.(2006重庆)

a. the teacher is not satisfied

b. is the teacher not satisfied

c. the teacher is satisfied

d. is the teacher satisfied


例2. _from the north to the south in winter.

a. away do some birds fly b. away do a few animals run

c. away fly some birds d. away run all the animals


①主语是名词时,用完全倒装,把动词提至主语前:here(in) came a lady.

②主语是代词时,用部分倒装,只将上述副词提至主语前即可:here [in] he came.

③介词短语放在句首时要用全部倒装,即动词提至主语前:in front of the farm house sat a small boy who was cutting a cane.

试题选练】8._who had caught him three times for stealing bikes.

a. before george stood the policeman

b. before george the policeman stood

c. the policeman stood before george

d. before the policeman stood george

9._from the 4th floor when the policeman pointed his gun at him.

a. down jumped the murderer

b. down the murderer jumped

c. down jumped he

d. jumped down he

10. just in front of the house_with a history of 1,000 years. (2006上海春季)

a. does a tall tree stand b. stands a tall tree

c. a tall tree is standing d. a tall tree stands


例3. only by practising a few hours every day_be able to master the language.(1990上海)

a. you can b. can you c. you will d. will you

答案为d.由"only+状语”引起的强调句放在句首时要用倒装结构,此结构只需把助动词、情态动词或系动词be提至主语前即可,故排除a,c。b中的can与be able to意义重复故也排除。

试题选练】11.i failed in the final examination last term and only then_the importance of studies.(2004重庆)

a. i realized b. i had realized

c. had i realized d. did i realized


例4 so_that no fish can live in it.(1992上海)

a. the lake is shallow b. shallow the lake is

c. shallow is the lake d. is the lake shallow


so hard does he study that he is sure to succeed.

试题选练】12. so excited_that he couldn't speak a word.

a. he gets b. he got c. does he get d. did he get

13. so difficult_it to live in an english-speaking country that i determined to learn english well.(2001上海)

a. i h**e felt b. h**e i felt

c. i did feel d. did i feel

14._about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to madagascar for further research.(2005江苏)


2012届高考英语专题总复习语法精粹词序考点详解。在历年高考英语试题和模拟题中,英语词序问题都作为一个重点测试项目,频繁出现。下面结合历年高考英语试题,对英语中词序考点问题进行举例和分析。一 否定词放在句首时的词序。例1 do you know jim quarrelled with his bro...


语法内容包括8项 时态 语态 非谓语动词 句子种类 句子成分 简单句 并列复合句。一般现在时态。现在现在进行时态。现在完成时态。一 时态一般过去。过去过去进行。过去完成时态。将来一般将来时态。二 语态以上7种时态的语态,理解的过程要体现先时态,后语态的原则。情态动词的被动语态。ef 一般现在时态的被...


一。名词 1 可数名词 有单数与复数的区别,表示一个用单数,两个以上用复数,名词的复数形式是在单数名词后加 s或 es构成。如 a book一本书,three apples三个苹果。1 名词变复数的规则 1 直接加 s 如 tree trees树,desk desks桌 2 以f fe 结尾的词,改...