高考英语二轮专题复习语法时态的趣味练习系列 六

发布 2021-05-11 20:41:28 阅读 8310


___sorapidly .

a. is changing b. has changed c. will h**e changed d. will change

played b. will play c. h**e played d. play3.—how are the team playing?

they are playing well,but one of them __hurta. got b. gets c. are d. were

4.—you h**en’t said a word about my new coat brenda . do you like it?

i’msorryi___wasn’t saying b. don’t say c. won’t say d. didn’t say

5. i wonder why jenny___us recently . we should h**e heard from her by hasn’t written b.

doesn’t write c. won’t write d. hadn’t written6.

the silence of the library___only by the sound of pages being turned has been broken b. breaks c. broke d.

was broken


a. has grown b. is growing c. grew d. had grown

8. why don’t you put the meat in the fridge? it will __fresh for several be stayed b.

stay c. be staying d. h**e stayed9.

—sorry , joe , i didn’t mean to….

don’t call me“joe”. i’m mr parker to you , and___you forget it!a.

do b. didn’t c. did d.


10. the news came as no surprise to me. i __for some time that the factory wasgoing to shut down.

a. had known b. knew c. h**e known d. know

11. i thought jim would say something about his school report , but he __doesn’t mention b. hadn’t mentionedc.

didn’t mention d. hasn’t knows b. know c.

h**e known d. am to know

13. although he has lived with us for years , he __us much impression .a.

hadn’t left b. didn’t le**e c. doesn’t le**e d.

hasn’t left14. how can you possibly miss the news? it __on tv all day long .

a. has been b. had been c.

was d. will be15.—what___when the gang broke in?

—i __the tv and was going to bed.

a. were you going; was turning off b. did you do; had turned off

c. had you done; was turning off d. were you doing; had turned off

16. with the development of science, more new technology __to the fields of has introduced b. is being introducedc.

is introduced d. was introduced

traffic accident wouldn’t h**e happened yesterday, but the driver __really careless.

a. had been b. is c. were d. was

18. china sent up shenzhou v manned spaceship into space successfully, which showsscience and technology __rapidly in china.

a. h**e been developing b. develops c.

is developing d. has developed19.—will you go to the party?

—of course i will if___

a. h**ing invited b. invited c.

i was invited d. i will be invited20. the wind___but it was still rather no longer blewb.

would no longer blowc. was no longer blowing d. had no longer blown

参***。1. a题干中主句为selecting a mobile phone...

is no easy task,谓语动词表示了一种“含此刻在内的广泛意义上的现在时间”,使用的是一般现在时态(..is no easy task);后面的状语从句(because...中则说明原因为“技术更新变化迅速”,应采用现在进行时。

2. d题干后的分句(but...为转折语气,并在句中使用了现在完成时态(ih**en’thadtimetoplay),表示自从newyear以来一直没有打过乒乓球,由此可以排除选项b(willplay)、c(h**e played)。


3. a由题中所设语境可知,一名队员受伤应是过去的动作,故选a。4.

d从对话题干所提供的语境看,此处谈论的是过去所没有发生的事(youh**en’tsaidaword...此对话中,brenda为自己没能对朋友所穿新衣早加赞赏向对方表示歉意;sooner(=at an earlier time)作为附加状语传达了十分重要的时间信息。此处仍应使用表示过去行为的简单过去时,与后面句子中的现在时态(i certainly think...


5. a前句中recently与后句中动词所用的语气为重要提示:weshouldh**eheardfromher by now .

we h**en’t heard from her by now .此处讨论最近该发生而没发生的事,用现在完成时态:..hasn’t written us recently。

6. d图书馆的安静被打破,故须用被动语态;情景中找不出与现在有关的时间信息,故a是错误的。

7. cgrow与as从句里的wait同时发生,同时进行。若用d,则强调先于wait发生。

8. bstay这里是系动词的用法,不用被动形式。9.



10. a在the news came之前我就已经知道,故用过去完成时。11.

cbut连接的并列句,时态与thought一致。12. a句子的主语是no one,谓语动词应当用单数。

13. dalthough从句中的has lived是非常重要的时间信息。说话人的意思是:


14. a根据can的形式(而不是could)可以判断,这里并不是谈论纯粹的过去或过去的过去,但显然也不是将来时间。

15. d根据上下句的意思“当那帮人闯进时你在干什么?”“我已关了电视,准备去睡觉”可知d正确。

16. b根据句意应用现在进行时的被动语态,所以b正确。

17. d由题干句可知,谈论的是过去(yesterday)发生的事情,所以应当用—般过去时。这是虚拟和真实混用的范例。

18. c中国的科技正在发展,并已取得了一些成绩。由时态和主语的人称共同判断c正确。

19. b根据句意“如果邀请我,我就去”可知if应引导一个现在时态的被动语态来表示将来,a、c、d都不恰当,b项invited可与if构成一个省略句,所以b正确。20.


高考英语二轮专题复习语法时态的趣味练习系列 五

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习语法时态的趣味练习系列资料 五 1.sorry to h e interrupted you please go on where was i?you you didn t like your father s job.a.had said b.said c.were ...


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