高考英语二轮专题复习语法时态的趣味练习系列 五

发布 2021-05-11 20:42:28 阅读 8063


1.—sorry to h**e interrupted you.please go on.—where was i?

you __you didn't like your father's job.

a. had said b. said c.

were saying d. had been saying2. i arrived late;i___the road to be so icy .

a. wouldn’t expectb. h**en’t expectedc. hadn’t expectedd. wasn’t expecting

3. i __while reading the english textbook . luckily , my roommate woke me up intime!

a. had fallen asleepb. h**e fallen asleepc. fell asleepd. fall .

a. had considered b. has been considering c.

considered d. is going toconsider5.__by 2006 .

a. has been completedb. has completed

c. will h**e been completedd. will h**e completed

6. the teacher , with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class , visiting a museum whenthe earthquake struck .

a. was b. were c. had been d. would be7.—what were you doing when tony phoned you?

i had just finished my work and __to take a shower .

a. had started b. started c. h**e started d. was starting

8. the first use of atomic weapons was in 1945 , and their power___increasedenormously ever since .

a. is b. was c. has been d. had been

9. the crazy fans___patiently for two hours,and they would wait till the moviestar arrived .

a. were waiting b. had been waiting c. had waited d. would wait

a. would change b. has changed c.

changed d. was changing11. all the employees except the manager___to work online at encourages b.

encourage c. is encouraged d. are encouraged12.

—you were out when i dropped in at your house.

oh, i___for a friend from england at the airport.

a. was waiting b. had waited c. am waiting d. h**e waited

13. she has set a new record, that is, the sales of her latest book___50 h**e reached b. has reached c.

are reaching d. had reached14. the discussion___alive when an interesting topic was brought in.

a. was coming b. had come c. has come d. came

15. because the shop___all the t-shirts are sold at half price.

a. has closed down b. closed down c.

is closing down d. had closed down16. turn on the television or open a magazine and you __advertisements showinghappy families.

a. will often see b. often see c.

are often seeing d. h**e often seen17.—i hear jane has gone to the holy island for her holiday.

—oh, how nice! do you know when she __

a. was le**ing b. had left c. has left d. left

18. he kept looking at her, wondering whether he___her saw b. has seen c.

sees d. had seen

mind wasn’t on what he was saying so i'mafraid i___half of was missing b. had missed c. will miss d.


for sixty years.

a. would be b. has been c. had beend. was

参***。1. c语境中暗含着一个时间信息:

当我打断你的说话的时候。2. carrived是关键信息。

(我在出发之前)没有预料到路会这么滑。这里谈论的显然是过去(started)的过去(had expected)。

3. c根据woke(wake的过去式)可以判断,这里谈论的与“现在”无关,因此可以排除b和d两项。“i”是在读书期间睡着的(whilereading),而不是在之前睡着的,所以a项也是不恰当的。

4. b句意:因为lucy失业了,所以她在考虑重返校园,但她现在还没决定。


5. c句意:北京市市长说所有北京奥林匹克建筑将于2023年完成。

此题考查英语动词的语态和时态,很显然本题应该用被动语态,因此排除b、d;根据时间状语by 2006,应选择将来完成时,因此选c。

6. a本题考查时态及主谓一致两个语法项目。根据主谓一致原则,应先排除b项,因为本句的主语是the teacher,为单数第三人称;此外根据时间状语从句when the earthquakestruck很容易看出答案是a项。

7. d问句问的是过去的事情,所以应首先排除c项,因为c项是现在时;问句问的是当tony给你打**时你在干啥,所以答语用过去进行时表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作非常恰当。

8. c根据eversince(从那时,一直到现在),所以应该用现在完成时,排除a、b、d项。9.

b根据“they would wait...可知,他们当时还在等,用过去完成时强调“等待”这一动作从过去开始,一直延续到过去,而且还要延续下去。

10. c根据连词before和该从句中的came,应该选过去时态,而排除其它选项。

11. d句子的主语是alltheemployees,所以谓语动词应当用复数;鼓励某人做某事,结合句意,显然应当用被动语态。句意:所有雇员(除经理之外)都提倡在家**工作。

12. a表过去的某个时间内正在发生的动作。本题是由两人组成的—问一答的对话,第—个人的陈述已经限定了整个事情的发生是“当我拜访你的时候”,这是过去某一个时刻,所以。

第二个回答的人一定是说明那个时刻在做的事情,因此选项a过去进行时符合题目的要求。13. a本题考查了主谓—致。

此题的前半部分使用现在完成时,中间使用that is作为插入语,连接前后两句话,因此前后时态要保持一致,后半句的主语是thesales,而不是latestbook,因此选项a为正确答案。

14. dcome alive活过来,充满生机,时态应与从句保持—致。

15. cclose down(企业、工厂)关闭,此处是不及物的。句意:因这家商店即将关闭,所有的t恤衫都以半价**。

16. a此处will为情态动词,而非将来时态的助动词。句意为:打开报纸或杂志,你肯定会经常看到……

17. d因上文说过,jane已经走了(hasgone),所以离开这一动作应是过去某一时间发生的。

18. d此句的意思是:他一直看着她,不知是否在什么地方见过她。



wasn't,was saying和i'm afraid是做出选择的重要依据。

20. d爱迪生已经在2023年去世,所以“爱迪生是世界上最重要的发明家”是一个纯过去的叙述,与现在时间没有关系。

高考英语二轮专题复习语法时态的趣味练习系列 六

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习语法时态的趣味练习系列资料 六 sorapidly a.is changing b.has changed c.will h e changed d.will change played b.will play c.h e played d.play3.how are ...


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