
发布 2021-05-11 12:58:28 阅读 4167


where's your friend from?你的朋友来自**?

he's from shanghai.他来自上海。

where+be+主语?是人们询问地点时经常用到的句型,回答时常用it is/they are+介词短语(表示地点的词)。

where's the library?图书馆在什么地方?

it's in front of the science labs.它在实验室前面。

this is...用于介绍他人。介绍在场的第三人时,近处的常用句型为this is/these are...

远处的常用that is/those are...一般不用he/she is...


2、what do/does+主语+do?

what is/are +主语?

what does your mother do?

what is your mother?

what is your mother's job?


3、there be结构有时态的变化。

一般现在时:there is/are...

一般过去时:there was/were...

一般将来时:there will be或there is/are going to be...

当反意疑问句的陈述部分是there be句型时,其后的附加疑问部分仍用be there或be not there。

there is something wrong with your watch,isn't there?你的手表有毛病,是不是?

4、 (1)这是一句很有礼貌的邀请用语。其句式是:would you like+to do sth.(with sb.)?

肯定回答用yes,i'd like to.(是的,我愿意)/i'd love to.(我愿意)。

否定回答常用no,thanks.(不,多谢);i'm sorry but i can't...i'm afraid i can't...


would you like to h**e dinner with me?


yes,i'd love to./i'd love to,but i h**e lots of things to do.我很乐意。/我很乐意,但是我还有很多事要做。

5、be angry/pleased/satisfied with sb.对某人生气/高兴/满意。

with one's help=with the help of...在某人的帮助下。


sb.+ask sb.+(not) to do sth.


ask sb. for sth.向某人要某物。

ask sb. about sth.询问某人有关……


it's half past six. 现在是六点半。(module 7)

6、 表示“几点半”可用“half+past+钟点”,也可直接用数字。


1)直接表示法(先时后分) three ten三点十分。




另外,习惯上把十五分钟称为a quarter,30分钟称为half an hour。

seven forty=twenty to eight七点四十。

7、china lies in the east of asia and on the south of mongolia.



本句用于询问某地有多少人口,句型为“what's the population of+地点?”

what's the population of beijing?北京有多少人口?

询问某国、某地有多少人口时,用how many people are there in...how large is the population of...what's the population of...

what do you think of...是一种常用句式,意为“你觉得……怎么样?”,可替换为how do you like...常用于询问别人对某人/某事的看法。


finish 完成 mind 介意 **oid 避免。

consider考虑 face面对 excuse 原谅。

pardon 原谅 practise练习。

risk 冒……的险 suggest 建议。

9、(1)what is/are sb. like? 主要用于询问性格,也可用于询问外貌;

2)what do/does sb. look like?用于询问外貌,其中在表示“长得像某人”时look like可以替换为take after;

3)易混句型:what do /does sb. like about sth.? 用于询问某人喜欢某事物的哪(些)方面。

10、指路者有时会在指路完毕后追加一句“you can't miss it.(你一定会找到的)”给对方鼓劲;若问路时对方不知道,问路者常用“thank you all the same.(仍然要谢谢你)”表示谢意。

11、as well as“并且,还”,为并列连词词组,连接同等并列成分,可与 not only...but also...结构互换;as well as 强调前面的内容,not only...

but also...强调 but also 后的内容。

he speaks japanese as well as english.

he speaks not only english but also japanese.

2)as well as 还可表示“和……一样好”,well 是副词,用于修饰句中实义动词。

3)as well 可单独作副词,表示“也,还”,常用于句末。

12、(1)意为“许多”,只能修饰不可数名词的有:much,a great deal of等。

2)意为“许多”,只能修饰可数名词的有 many,a number of,numbers of等。

3)意为“许多”,既可修饰可数名词,又可修饰不可数名词的有:plenty of,lots of,a lot of等。


语法内容包括8项 时态 语态 非谓语动词 句子种类 句子成分 简单句 并列复合句。一般现在时态。现在现在进行时态。现在完成时态。一 时态一般过去。过去过去进行。过去完成时态。将来一般将来时态。二 语态以上7种时态的语态,理解的过程要体现先时态,后语态的原则。情态动词的被动语态。ef 一般现在时态的被...


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一群蚂蚁 错误表达 a group of ants 地道英文 a colony of ants 说明 group指 组 若干组,不体现 多,群居 的含义。一般是因某目的而组成的组,如they are divided into four groups.他们被分成四组。而形容蚂蚁这类 数目繁多,群居 的...