
发布 2021-05-07 09:42:28 阅读 3121




建议:why not do sth.? let’s do sth.

shall i / we do sth? will / would you like do sth? will / would you like sth… ?

how / what about doing sth?

劝告:you’d better do sth., you’re supposed to / should do sth. you need (to) do sth.

接受:good idea. that / it sounds great.

that / it would be very nice. with pleasure. i’d love / like to.

i’ll be glad to. yes, please. certainly / of course / sure.

no problem. i agree. i think so.

拒绝:i’m afraid i can’t / i’m afraid not. i disagree.

i don’t think so. no, thanks. i’d love / like to, but…, thank you, but…

1.(2023年云南)— let’s go out and enjoy the sunshine.

it’s boring to stay at home.

a. sound great b. not at all c. forget it d. no way

2.(2023年上海)—how about raining some money for the charity?

a. enjoy yourself b. good idea c. you’re welcome d. never mind

3.(2023年沈阳)—it’s hot today, why don’t we go swimming?

a. that’s a good ideab. it doesn’t matter

c. i don’t, eitherd. you are welcome

4.(2023年南京)—shall i give you a ride as you look tired?

—thank you. _

a. it’s your duty b. don’t mention it

c. do as you like d. it couldn’t be better

keys: 1—4 abad

二、邀请及应答: shall i / we do sth? will / would you like do sth?

will / would you like sth… ?how / what about doing sth? may i invite you to dinner?

接受:good idea. that / it sounds great.

that / it would be very nice. with pleasure. i’d love / like to.

i’ll be glad to. yes, please. certainly / of course / sure.

no problem. i agree. i think so.

拒绝:i’m sorry i can’t / i’m afraid i can’t / i’m afraid not. i don’t think so.

no, thanks. i’d love / like to, but…, thank you, but…

1.(2023年云南)—shall i get some drinks for you?

a. that’s nice of youb. you’re right

c. here you ared. you’re welcome

2.(2023年安徽)—will you join us to play basketball on saturday afternoon?

but i promised to go swimming with eric.

a. never mind b. many thanks c. take it easy d. my pleasure

3.(2023年衡阳—would you like something to drink?

i’m not thirsty.

a. yes, please b. no, thank you c. sorry

4.(2023年淄博 —shall we go to play football?

let’s go! (2023年淄博)

a. sounds boring b. that’s a good idea c. i’m afraid not d. thank you

keys: 1─4 abb

二、请求。请求:will / would you mind (not) doing sth.?

would you like to do sth.? would you like sth.? can / could you please (not) do sth.?

could / can / may i do sth.? please do sth. please don’t do sth.

接受:with pleasure. yes, please / go ahead / please do.

i’d love to / i’d like to / i’ll be glad to. yes / certainly / of course / sure / ok. no, problem.

you’re welcome. certainly, i’ll do it. yes, i won’t do it.

not at all. certainly not / of course not. never mind.

sorry, i won’t do it again.

拒绝:you’d better not / better not. please don’t.

i’m sorry i can’t. i’m afraid not. i’m sorry, but…

1.(2023年黄冈)—excuse me, may i take a seat here?

the man on the seat has already left.

a. you’d better not b. no, thanks c. yes, please d. i’m afraid not

2.(2023年厦门)—do you mind my taking this seat?

it’s for mr. brown.

a. not at all b. yes, please c. better not

3.(2023年云南)—the music is good, but i’m afraid it’s too noise. could you please turn it down?

a. i’d love tob. i hope so

c. i’m glad you like itd. i’m sorry about that

4.(2023年厦门)—don’t make any noise in the library!

a. ok, i will b. yes, i do c. no, i won’t

5.(2023年成都)—would you mind putting out the cigarette?

a. yes, i do b. no, it doesn’t matter c. sorry, i’ll do it soon

6.(2023年昆明) —mum, may i watch the movie with my classmates after school?

a. no, you may notb. no, you needn’t

c. sure, but please be at home by 9:00 d. i don’t like it at all

keys: 1─6ccaccc


感谢:thank you very much. thanks a lot.

many thanks. thanks / thank you for… that’s / it’s nice of you (to do sth.).

thank you all the same.

答语:you’re welcome. that’s ok.

that’s all right. it’s / that’s nothing. it / that was nothing.

my pleasure / it’s a pleasure. /it was a pleasure. don’t mention it.

另外应注意文化的差异:1、在西方当对方对自己所送的礼物表示感谢时,一般说i’m glad you like it(我很高兴你喜欢它);2、在西方当客人对主人的盛情款待表示感谢时,主人一般说i’m glad you enjoy it(我很高兴你享受它)/ you’re welcome(你是受欢迎的)。


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