中考英语复习日常交际用语 一

发布 2021-05-03 03:00:28 阅读 6305


see you this evening.傍晚见。

see you then.到时候见。

merry christmas!圣诞快乐!

the same to you.也祝你(圣诞快乐)。

二、邀请:would you like to do sth?你愿意干……吗?

will you join us?你愿意加入我们吗?

i’d love to. 我愿意。

come here at 2:30 every saturday afternoon.每周六下午2:30来这里。

let me take you to the hospital.让我带你去医院。

三、看病:what’s wrong with you?

what’s the matter with you?你怎么了?

i’ve got a fever.我发烧了。

take the medicine and soon you’ll be all right.服用这药,不久你就会好的。

四、喜好:what’s your f**orite subject?你最喜欢的科目是什么?

i like maths and physics best.我最喜欢数学和物理。

why do you like it?为什么喜欢它?

what sport do you like best? 你最喜欢什么运动?

i like badminton best.我最喜欢羽毛球。

which apartment do you like better, the new one or the old one?哪套房子你更喜欢,新的还是旧的?

i like the new one.我喜欢新的。

did you enjoy the concert?你喜欢这场**会吗?

yes, i did.是的。

五、祝愿:i wish you good luck.祝你好运。

happy dream! 做个好梦!

i hope everything goes well. 万事如意!

you are lucky. 你真幸运。

cheer up! 加油!

wish you a pleasant journey. 旅途愉快。

i hope you h**e a good time. 希望你玩得愉快。

god s**e me! 天哪!


what can i do for you?我能为你做些什么?

i’ll take it.

我买了。how much? 多少钱?

twenty dollars. 20美元。

how much shall i pay for a telegram of 10 words?一份10个字的电报多少钱?

what do you want to buy?你想买什么?

how many do you want?你想要多少?

七、意愿:i’m going to qingdao.我想去青岛。

i’d like to h**e two seats.我想要两个座位。

let me see 让我想想。

come along with me. 跟我来。

八、建议:let me h**e a look.让我看看。

can i ask you some questions?能问你一些问题吗?

why not do sth? 为什么不干……

you need a good rest.你需要好好休息一下。

all of us should do morning exercises.我们都应当做早操。

we shouldn’t run. 我们不能跑。

we should walk across the road quickly.我们应当快速地走过马路。

why not go by ship?为什麽不坐船去?

you’d better stay at home. 你还是呆在家里吧。

must i close the window? 我必需关上那扇。

九、约会。shall we meet at gate of the beijing zoo on sunday?周日我们在北京动物园门口见好吗?

all right. 好的。

let’s meet at the school gate, ok?让我们在学校门口见,好吗?

when and where shall we meet?我们几点在哪见?

十、评论。i think so. 我同意。

i’m afraid not.恐怕不行。

what do you think of her?你认为他怎么样?

what kind of person is he?他是什么样的人。

what do you think of doing morning exercise? 你认为做早操怎么样?

it’s very kind of you. 你真好。

how long did the meeting last yesterday?昨天的会议持续了多久?


i’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个我感到很难过。


is that marry?是玛丽吗?

who’s speaking?你是谁?

it’s jack here.我是杰克。

this is albert speaking.我是阿尔伯特。

hold on, please. your call, jack! it’s from albert.请稍等。杰克,你的**。阿尔伯特打的。

sorry, but jack is not in at this moment. 对不起,杰克这会儿不在家。


would you like to try……?愿不愿意尝试……?

i’d like to try……

我愿意。it tastes delicious.它尝起来很好吃。

help yourself to some more, please.多吃点儿。

no, thank you. i’ve had enough.不谢谢,我已经饱了。

sichuan food is hot and guangdong food is light.四川菜比较辣,广东菜比较清淡。


where’s the nearest police station?最近的警察局在哪耳?

go down this road.沿着这条路走。

excuse me. how can i get to the zoo?请问动物园坐什么去。?

you can go there by taxi. 你可以打出租车去。

is it far from here?离这儿远吗?

no, it’s not far. 不远。

can you tell me the nearest way to the railway station? 能告诉我哪条是去火车站最近的路吗?


what’s the time? 几点了?

it’s almost 8 o’clock by my watch从我的表看,快十点了。


thank you for your kind help. 谢谢你的帮助。

would you mind if i do sth 你不介意我干…吧?

i’m tired out. 我太累了!

is that so? 是真的吗?

take my seat, please. 请坐(让座)。

can’t you see? 你看不出来吗?


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