
发布 2021-05-03 02:59:28 阅读 6404




错误1】 —what do you want to buy?

a pair of shoes.

分析】 英国、美国的营业员主动问顾客要买什么东西时, 会说what can i do for you?/ can i help you?/ is there anything i can do for you?

不能像中国人一样说what do you want to buy?(你要买什么?)

错误2】 —who’s that?

i’m alice.

分析】 在**里回答who’s that?或who’s it?时,英美人常说this is alice.

错误3】 —hello, who are you?

hello,i’m mr smith.

分析】 英美人在**中问对方是谁时,要说hello, who’s that (speaking)?/is that...speaking?

/ is that you, .对方回答时,要说this is ..speaking).

错误4】 —sorry to h**e troubled you a lot.

no trouble.

分析】 在对方向你表示歉意时,你应说never mind. /that’s all right. /it doesn’t matter.

/it’s nothing. no trouble(不麻烦)是中国人对“麻烦您了“的答语,不符合英美人的习惯。

错误5】 —thank you for your help.

no thanks.

分析】 听到别人感谢时,英美人习惯回答:not at all. /you are welcome.

/that’s all right. /don’t mention it. /my pleasure.

/it’s my pleasure等。

错误6】 —would you like to h**e

another cup of tea?

oh, no, i wouldn’t.

分析】 表示“不再吃或喝……”要说no, thanks. /no, i h**e had much. 若要表示“要”或“再来点……”答语可用yes, thanks.

/yes, but only a little.

错误7】 —we are le**ing for hangzhou.

wish you safe all the way.

分析】 当别人告诉你要去某地时,你应该说h**e a good time. /h**e a good trip.等。

错误8】 —would you please lend me your eraser?

of course,i would.

分析】 许诺别人借用某物的请求时,应说here you are. /of course. /certainly.

错误9】 —my mother is ill.

what illness?

分析】 听到别人生病的不幸消息,英美人常说i’m sorry to hear that.

错误10】 —you speak english very well.

no, not so well.

分析】 英美人在听到别人夸奖或赞美时,不像中国人一样先谦虚一番,而应表示谢意,谢谢别人对自己的夸奖。他们常说thanks. /many thanks.

/that’s very kind of you. /it’s very kind of you to say so. 而不说no, not so well.

/just so-so.


作者 周江湖。初中生之友 中旬刊 2011年第07期。人生在世,难免要与别人打交道,但你可得注意,要是用英语与别人交流,千万不能将汉语的思维习惯机械地搬到英语中来哦!否则会闹出笑话来的。不信,看看下面的这些日常交际用语你会几个呢?误1 what do you want to buy?a pair o...


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