
发布 2020-01-02 02:54:28 阅读 1667



语 二○○八年二月。


1. 你好。(初次见面使用)

how do you do!

2. 你好!


3. 你好(熟人之间使用)

i!4. 早上好!

good morning!

5. 下午好!

ood afternoon!

6. 晚上好!

good evening!

7. 晚安。

good night!

8. 你好吗?

how are you?

9. 我很好!你呢?

i’m fine! and you?

10. 我也很好!

i’m fine,too!

11. 你最近怎么样?

how h**e you been?

12. 一切都好吗?

is everything all right?


everything is all right.


just so so.

15. 很槽糕。

too bad.


1. 你叫什么名字?

can i know your name?

2. 我叫刘动。

my name is liu dong.

3. 你姓什么?

what’s your family name?

4. 你有英文名字吗?

do you h**e an english name?

5. 能告诉我你的全名吗?

can you tell me your full name?

6. 有的,我叫苏珊。

yes, i’m susan.

7. 你喜欢这个名字吗?

do you like your name?

8. 我非常喜欢。

yes, i like it very much .

9. 你爱好什么?

what’s your hobby?

10. 我喜欢看电影。

i like going to the movies.

11. 我也喜欢。


12. 你什么时候来接我?

when will you pick me up?

13. 我们什么时候在**见面?

when and where shall we meet?

14. 我在什么地方等你?

where shall i be waiting for you?

15. 我下午4点半下课。

i’ll be h**ing classes until 4: 30 p. m .

16. 你能五点钟来接我吗?

can you pick me up at five?

17. 我在学校门口等你。

i’ll be waiting for you at the school gate.

18. 一会儿见。

see you later.

19. 你现在在什么地方?

where are you now?

20. 我在食堂。

i’m in the dining-hall.

21. 你是符先生吗?

are you mr. fu?

22. 你问的是哪一位?

which one are you asking?

23. 符裕,符先生。

fu yu , mr. fu.

24. 请稍等。

please wait a minute.

25. 你今天下午有空吗?

re you free this afternoon?

26. 今天下午工作很忙。

i’ll be busy with my work this afternoon.

27. 今天没空。

don’t h**e spare time today.

28. 明天有空吗?

are you free tomorrow?

29. 也没有空。

i’m not free , either.

30. 后天怎样?

how about the day after tomorrow?

31. 我们到饭店用点餐好吗?

shall we h**e a meal in a restaurant?

32. 我们在**吃?

where shall we eat?

33. 看情况吧。

it depends.

34. 我明天告诉你,好吗?

can i tell you tomorr

35. 我们怎么联系?

how can we keep in touch?

36. 你找我有什么事吗?

do you h**e something with me?

37. 你觉得今年的计划怎么样?

what do you think about the plans of this year

38. 你觉得怎么样?

what do you think about it?

39. 你有什么看法?

what’s your idea?

40. 你有什么建议?

do you h**e any suggestions

41. 你了解情况吗?

are you familiar with the situation

42. 你是什么态度?

what’s your attitute?

43. 待我弄清楚再跟你谈吧。

i’ll talk to you after i get it.

44. 还有别的事吗?

is there anything else?


how are those things going?

46. 你说的是哪些事?

which ones do you mean?

47. 你怎么了?

what’s wrong with you ?

48. 我没怎么呀。

there’s nothing wrong with me.

49. 你生谁的气?

who are you angry with?

50. 告诉我为什么。

tell me why.

51. 你怎么会这样认为?

why do you think in this way ?

52. 你只是在做白日梦。

you are just day-dreaming.

53. 你让我怎么做?

what do you want me to do?

54. 就说到这里吧,行吗?

can we stop here?

55. 好的,我们一起去吧。

all right. let’s go together.


1. 谢谢。

thank you . thanks.

2. 多谢。

thanks a lot.


you are welcome. that’s all right .

4. 你真的太好了。

you are so nice . it’s very nice of you .

5. 你帮了我大忙。

you did me a great f**our.

6. 不管怎样,都要感谢你。

anyhow, i want to show my thanks.

7. 我非常乐意。

my pleasure.

8. 谢谢你的邀请。

thanks for your invitation.

9. 谢谢你的美餐。

thanks for your wonderful meal.

10. 谢谢你的礼物。

thanks for your gift.

11. 你能帮我一个忙吗?

could you give me a hand ?

12. 谢谢你的帮助。

thanks for your help.

13. 谢谢你照顾我。

thank you for looking after me.

14. 这是我应该做的。

it’s my duty.

15. 谢谢你的关怀。

thanks for your care.

16. 不值一提。

don’t mention it.

17. 谢谢你的好心。

thanks for your kindness.

18. 很高兴能帮上忙。

please to help.

19. 谢谢你的祝福。

thanks for your wishes.

20. 不用客气。

ot at all. that’s all rghit . you’re welcome .


please thank him for me.

22. 我真不知道怎样感谢你才好。

i really don’t know how i can thank you.

23. 再次表示感谢。

thanks again.

24. 为你工作是我的荣幸。

it’s my honour to work for you.

25. 谢谢你为我做的一切。

thank you for what you h**e done for me.

26. 我愿意做。

i’d like to do it .

27. 非常感谢。

thank you very much.

28. 若需要帮助请随时找我。

i’ll be there whenever you need help.


1. 对不起 .


2. 劳驾。

excuse me .

3. 请原谅我刚才的失礼。

please forgive me for my rudeness just now

4. 对不起,我不是故意的。

sorry, i didn’t mean that.

5. 不要紧,不必责怪自己。

it doesn’t matter. don’t blame yourself.

6. 对不起,我把你的杯子打碎了。

i’m sorry, but i h**e broken your glass.

7. 不必不安。

don’t worry about it .

8. 对不起,我来晚了。

excuse me for being late.

9. 对不起,我迟到了。

i’m sorry. i’m late.

10. 对不起,让你久等了。

i’m sorry to h**e kept you waiting so long .

11. 有什么事。

it’s nothing.

12. 对不起,碰了你胳膊一下。

i’m sorry for bumping into your arm.

13. 我伤着你了吗?很抱歉。

did i hurt you ? i’m so sorry.


never mind, you don’t need to apologize.

15. 我必须道歉。

i must apologize.

16. 很抱歉,麻烦你了。

sorry to bother you.


1.good morning afternoon evening.may i help you?anything i can do for you?2.how do you do?how are you?nice to meet you.3.it s a great honor to meet yo...


1.i see 我明白了。2.i quit 我不干了!3.let go 放手!5.my god 天哪!6.no way 不行!7.come on 来吧 赶快 8.shut up 闭嘴!9.so long 再见。10.allow me 让我来。11.cheer up 振作起来!12good job 做...


问候语 告别 感谢用语 hi hello good morning good afternoon good evening good night 早晨 下午 晚上 好!how do you do how do you do 您好!nice to meet you nice to meet you t...