
发布 2021-04-11 13:26:28 阅读 8859

1. 我通过大声朗读学英语。

误:i learn english with / in reading aloud.

正:i learn english by reading aloud.

析:介词by, with和in都可表示“用……方法”之意,但by强调方式,后常接v-ing,with一般表示利用有形的工具或器官,后常接名词,in表示用某种方式、原料或语言,后常接名词。

2. 别害怕向别人求助。

误:don’t be afraid to ask for help.

正:don’t be afraid of asking for help.

析:be afraid to do sth.表示“因害怕而不愿意干某事”,be afraid of doing sth.


3. 如果你不仔细复习功课,你会在不久的考试中失败。

误:you will not fail in your coming exams unless you don’t review your lessons.

正:you will fail in your coming exams unless you review your lessons.

正:you will fail in your coming exams if you don’t review your lessons.

析:unless意为“除非;如果不”,是从属连词,引导条件状语从句,含有否定意义,相当于if条件状语从句的否定形式(即unless = if…not)。


误:lin tao used to getting to school late.

正:lin tao used to get to school late.

析:“used to + 动词原形”表示“过去经常做某事”,表示过去的习惯;而be used to表示“习惯于……”to是介词,后面可接名词或v-ing形式。如:

the writer is used to staying up late at night. 那位作家习惯熬夜。

5. 我相信最后一切都会好起来的。

误:i’m sure everything will turn out all right finally.

正:i’m sure everything will turn out all right in the end.

析:finally和in the end均可表示“最后”,但前者不用来谈论将来的事,而后者则可用来谈论将来。

6. 即使我成了百万富翁,我也不会忘记我的穷朋友们。

误:even i become a millionaire, i shall never forget my poor friends.

正:even if i become a millionaire, i shall never forget my poor friends.

析:even可作副词,不可作连词,所以不能引导从句。若须用让步状语从句,应该用even though或even if,表示“即使……”

7. 你父亲为什么不戒烟?

误:why didn’t your father give up to smoke?

正:why didn’t your father give up smoking?

析:give up意为“放弃”,后面接v-ing形式,不接动词原形或不定式。


误:this is an 8,000 metre long street.

正:this is an 8,000-metre-long street.

析:由“数词 + 名词”构成的复合形容词用作前置定语时,除数词与名词之间须用连字符外,名词只能以单数形式出现。如:

a five-star flag一面五星红旗,an 800-word composition一篇八百字的文章。

9. 好好学习,天天向上。

误:learn hard and make progress every day.

正:study hard and make progress every day.



10. 楼下的那家人已搬迁到另一座城市去了。

误:the downstairs family h**e moved to another city.

正:the family downstairs h**e moved to another city.

析:downstairs与upstairs用作定语,修饰名词时,必须后置。类似的副词还有:here, there, above等。

11. 他为有可能把钱全弄丢而焦虑不安。

误:he was anxious for the possibility of losing all his money.

正:he was anxious about the possibility of losing all his money.

析:be anxious about / for都可表示“为……而忧愁 / 着急”,通常情况下,be anxious about后接“事”;而be anxious for后接“人”。再如:

we h**e been anxious for you. 我们一直为你们着急。

12. 他假装没有听说过这件事。

误:he pretended not hearing about it.

正:he pretended not to hear about it.


13. 学校每天给学生们提供水。

误:the school provides students for water every day.

正:the school provides students with water every day.

析:表示“为某人提供某物”可说provide sb. with sth. 或provide sth. for sb.,不能说provide sb. sth.。

14. 他想尽快完成这项工作。

误:he would like to finish the job at fast as possible.

正:he would like to finish the job as soon as possible.

析:as fast as possible与as soon as possible均有“尽快”之意,但前者强调“速度”上的“尽快”,后者强调时间上的“尽早”。

15. “和我们一起玩好吗?”“谢谢,我非常愿意。”

误:“will you join us?” thank you, my pleasure.”

正:“will you join us?” thank you, with pleasure.”

析:my pleasure主要用于回答感谢,其意为“别客气”“不用谢”;with pleasure用于回答请求或邀请,其意为“好的”“没问题”“十分愿意”。此外,my pleasure也可说成:

it’s my pleasure / it’s a pleasure / pleasure was all mine / the pleasure is mine等。

16. 我们看见有一片云朝我们飘过来。

误:we saw another cloud coming to us.

正:we saw another cloud coming towards us.

析:to, towards都可以和表示位移的动词go, come, move, walk, return等连用,只是to表示“位移的终点”即“到达”之意。我们所说“黑云压顶”却绝不至于真的碰着你的头皮,故例句中只能用towards。

17. 我们在旅馆里没有找到一个空床位。

误:we h**en’t got a bed empty in the house.

正:we h**en’t got a bed vacant in the house.


18. 天肯定要下雨。

误:it’s certain of raining.

正:it’s certain to rain.

析:“certain + of / about + 名词或v-ing形式”表示“某人对……确信不疑”,通常以人作主语。certain后接动词不定式时,表示“某事肯定会发生”。

19. 街上挤满了人。

误:the street was crowded by people.

正:the street was crowded with people.

析:be crowded with意为“挤满了……;塞满了……”这里的crowded没有被动含义,而是过去分词作表语,介词用with,不用by。

20. 我们都非常喜欢这个女孩。

误:we were very pleased at the girl.

正:we were very pleased with the girl.

析:“对某人感到满意”用be pleased with sb 来表示,不能用at代替with。但当表达“对某事感到满意”时,可用be pleased with / at / about sth。

如:they were pleased with / at / about her work. 他们对她的工作很满意。

21. 布朗先生对中国不太了解,所以向我们提不出什么建议。

误:mr brown doesn’t know much about china, so he can’t advise us about it.

正:mr brown doesn’t know much about china, therefore he can’t advise us about it.


22. 他没有认真瞄准靶子,所以没打中。

误:he didn’t aim on the target carefully so he missed it.

正:he didn’t aim at the target carefully so he missed it.

析:表示“对……瞄准”要用aim at,at指方向或目标,并含有具体的针对性。

23. 屋子中间有一张桌子,上面有一盏亮着的灯。

误:in the middle of the room stood a table with a lit lamp on it.

正:in the middle of the room stood a table with a lighted lamp on it.


24. 不久,天空**现了星星。

误:soon the stars were appeared in the sky.

误:soon the sky appeared the stars.

正:soon the stars appeared in the sky.


25. 他告诉我他改天来看我。

误:he told me that he would come to see me some day.

正:he told me that he would come to see me someday.

析:some day和someday意思不一样,前者表示“某一天”,后者表示“改天;有朝一日”。

26. 只有一个中国,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。

误:there is one china and taiwan is a part of it.

正:there is one china and taiwan is part of it.

析:part of意为“……的一部分”,指某物(人)是一个整体不可分割的一部分,强调整体性;a part of意为“……的一部分”,它是构成总体的一部分或一小部分,不强调整体性。


作者 周江湖。初中生之友 中旬刊 2011年第07期。人生在世,难免要与别人打交道,但你可得注意,要是用英语与别人交流,千万不能将汉语的思维习惯机械地搬到英语中来哦!否则会闹出笑话来的。不信,看看下面的这些日常交际用语你会几个呢?误1 what do you want to buy?a pair o...


作者 马春美。中学生英语 学生综合天地 2011年第12期。人总免不了要与别人打交道,但你可得注意,要是用英语与别人交流,千万不能将汉语的思维习惯机械地搬到英语中来哦!否则会闹出笑话来的。看看下面的这些日常交际用语你会几个呢?错误1 what do you want to buy?a pair of...


陷阱题 通常也叫 圈套题 是一种极易做错的习题。陷阱题 与常规题不同,它具有较大的迷惑性,较好的隐蔽性。近年来,各地中考试卷中常有这种性质的试题出现。当我们遇到这种习题时,常感到不知所措。怎样解答这种 陷阱题 呢?下列方法不妨一试 一 认真审题,发现 陷阱 陷阱题 是不挂牌的,而是编拟者把 陷阱 巧...