
发布 2021-05-07 09:41:28 阅读 8184





中考例题】1. (2015龙岩) these are __coats. can you look after __for me?

a. my; themb. i; theyc. me; themd. mine; they

2. (2015凉州) —is the man who is singing your teacher?

yes, he teaches __physics.

a. web. ourc. oursd. us

3. (2015泰州) mr. hu teaches __english. we all like __

a. our; himb. us; himc. us; herd. our; her

4. (2014重庆a) aunt tina will visit us soon. _is arriving tomorrow morning.

a. heb. shec. hisd. her




take sb. by the arm“抓住某人的胳膊”;pat sb. on the shoulder“拍某人的肩膀”;hit sb.

on the head / in the face“打某人的头/脸”。

中考例题】5. (2015资阳) —sally, may i use your ipad? _is broken. —ok, here you are.

a. yourb. yoursc. mined. my

6. (2015广安) —i can’t find my ruler. may i useof course. here you are.

a. youb. yourc. yoursd. yourself

7. (2015南充) —what’s __nameis eric.

a. his; heb. his; hisc. he; hisd. he; he

8. (2013黄冈) —is this __football, boys? —no, it is not __

a. yours; ours b. your; ourc. yours; our d. your; ours




enjoy oneselfintroduce oneself

make oneself at homeexpress oneself

help oneself to sthlook after oneself

learn… by oneselfteach oneself

dress oneselfcome to oneself

le**e sb. by oneselflose oneself in…

中考例题】9. (2015连云港) —i’m afraid i won’t pass the exam.

—come on, bill. you should believe in __that’s the secret of success.

a. myselfb. ourselvesc. yourselfd. yourselves

10. (2014陕西) don’t worry. we’re old enough to look after __

a. myselfb. mec. ourselvesd. us

11. (2013广州) the man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem

by __a. herselfb. himselfc. yourselfd. themselves

12. (2013陕西) it’s very important for us to learn how to learn by __

a. ourselvesb. itselfc. myselfd. themselves

四:对替代词it / they / them / one(s) /the one(s) /that / those的考查。


one相当于“a / an +可数名词单数”,表示泛指同类人或物中的某一个。ones为其复数形式,所替代的是同名异物,表示泛指。the one指代前面出现过的可数名词单数,表示特指,相当于“the +可数名词单数”。

the ones为其复数形式。

that多用于两者进行比较时,为了避免重复,用来替代上文中的可数名词单数或不可数名词,其后通常有限定词修饰。当名词为可数名词单数时,可与the one互换。此外,在打**时,通常用this指代自己,用that指代对方。

those相当于the ones,特指前面出现过的可数名词复数,相当于“the +复数名词”。

中考例题】13. (2014广东) —hello, linda speaking. who’shello. this is martin.

a. heb. onec. thatd. this

14. (2013鞍山) —what kind of house would you like?

i’d like __with a garden in front of __

a. it; oneb. one; onec. one; itd. it; it

15. (2014乌鲁木齐) your new backpack is so nice. i want to buy __too.

a. oneb. itc. thatd. this

16. (2015菏泽) when we got to the park yesterday, _started raining.

a. thatb. itc. thisd. one

五:对all / both / either / neither / none等不定代词的考查。

all表示“三者或三者以上都”;both表示“两者都”;none与all相反,表示“三者或三者以上都不”;neither与both相反,表示“两者之中任何一个都不”。either表示“两者之中任何一个”,可以和of连用。none表示全部否定,而all / both与not连用通常表示部分否定。


17. (2015重庆a) jiefangbei is not far from chaotianmen. you can easily visit __in a day.

a. eachb. nonec. bothd. neither

18. (2015杭州) unfortunately, i was sitting at the table with smokers on __side of me.

a. eitherb. bothc. otherd. all

19. (2015温州) —mom, what would you like, coffee or teajust water, please.

a. eitherb. bothc. neitherd. none

20. (2013陕西) —which of the two subjects do you like, art or music?

___they are really interesting.

a. neitherb. bothc. noned. all

21. (2014苏州) —could you come this saturday afternoon or this sunday morning?

___is ok. i’m free this weekend.

a. allb. bothc. noned. either

六:对another / other / others / the other / the others等不定代词的考查。

other表示“其它的、另外的”,只与可数名词复数连用,有时可与some连用,构成“some other +名词”结构;the other可单独使用,表示“两者中的另一个”,用于特指;another表示“(三者或以上中的)任意的另一个”;“another +可数名词单数”结构指“(三者或以上中的)另外一个”,用于泛指;“other +可数名词复数”结构相当于others;others和some可构成搭配“some… others…”;the other +可数名词复数”结构相当于the others,表示“其余所有的人或物”,用于特指。


四 代词。a.人称代词 主格与宾格。并列人称代词的顺序 单数时,231 复数时,123 男女并列,先男后女。承担责任时,第一人称在最前。长辈对晚辈,长官对下属说话时,可以将第一人称放在前面b.物主代词 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词。1.形容词性物主代词 own表示强调 i saw it with...


grammar 学习目标。1.复习人称代词的主格 宾格 2.掌握形容词性 名词性物主代词的用法 3.掌握重点不定代词的用法 精讲提升。1 人称代词。1 人称代词作主语时用主格,作宾语时用宾格 he 主语 is a great writer.they all like him 宾语 very much...

中考英语知识点梳理 阅读理解讲解

英语作为文科科目当中的一个重要组成部分,需要记忆理解的东西比理科要多的多,所以复习的战线需要拉得更长,如下为大家提供了中考英语知识点梳理,希望能够真正的帮助到大家。考点扫描 阅读理解能力的培养是中学英语学习的一项重要任务,也是中考的一项重要内容。中考阅读理解题主要考查学生的语篇阅读能力 分析和判断能...