中考英语语法专题讲解 交际用语

发布 2021-05-14 07:59:28 阅读 7908


1. 能就简单的话题提供信息,表达简单的观点和意见。

2. 能有效的询问信息和请求帮助。

3. 根据话题进**景对话。





1. 问候 greetings

a. good morning/afternoon/evening.


how are you?

b. fine, thank you. and you?

very well,thank you.

2. 介绍 introductions

a. this is mr/mrs/miss/ms…/these are…and they are…

b. how do you do?

nice/glad to see/meet you.

c. my name is…i'm a student/worker, etc.

3. 告别 farewells

a. i think it's time for us to le**e now./i'm afraid i must go now.

b. goodbye!(bye-bye!bye!)

see you later/tomorrow.(see you.)

good night.

[注]晚上见面时,只能说good evening,睡觉前要用good night来告别。

4. 打** ****** telephone calls

a. hello! may i speak to…?

is that…(speaking)?

b. hold on,please.

this is…speaking.

he/she isn't here right now/at the moment.

can i take a message for you?

c. i called to tell/ask you…

d. goodbye.

5. 感谢和应答 thanks and responses

a. thank you(very much).

thanks a lot.

many thanks.

thanks for…

b. it's very nice of you.

it's very kind of you to say so/do it.

thank you all the same.

c. not at all.

that's all right./it's my pleasure.

you're welcome./that's ok.

6. 祝愿、祝贺和应答 good wishes,congratulations and responses

a. good luck!

best wishes to you.

h**e a nice/good time.


happy birthday to you.

b. thank you.

[注]回答对方只是对自己某一方面时,用“thank you.”而共有的节日要用“the same to you.”

c. happy new year!

merry christmas!

d. the same to you.

状元典例。we'll h**e an english exam tomorrow.

a. that's great

b. good luck to you

c. congratulations

d. glad to hear that


7. 意愿 intentions

i'm going to…

i will…

i'd like to…

i want/hope to…

8. 道歉和应答 apologies and responses

a. i'm sorry.(sorry.)

i'm sorry for/about…

excuse me.

b. that's all right.

it doesn't matter.

that's nothing.

never mind.

9. 遗憾和同情 regrets and sympathy

what a pity!

i'm sorry to hear that.

10. 邀请和应答 invitations and responses

a. will you come to…?

would you like to…?

b. yes. i'd love to…

yes. it's very kind/nice of you.

c. i'd love to. but…

状元典例。would you like to go and watch the football game with me?

a. not at allb. excuse me, i can't

c. yes, i'd love to d. that's right

答案:c思路分析:本题考查的是有关邀请的交际用语。以“would you like...提问的句子的肯定答语为“yes, i’d love to.”故选择c。

11. 提供帮助和应答 offers and responses

a. can i help you?/may i help you?

what can i do for you?

here,take this/my…/here you are.

let me…for you.

would you like some…?

b. thanks. that would be nice/fine.

thank you for your help./thank you for helping me.

yes, please.

c. no, thanks/thank you.

that's very kind of you,but…

12. 请求允许和应答 asking for permission and responses

a. may i…?

can/could i…?

b. yes./certainly.

yes, do please.

of course(you may).

that's ok/all right.

c. i'm sorry,but…

you'd better not.

13. 表示同意和不同意 expressing agreement and disagreement

a. certainly/sure/of course.


yes,i think so.

that's true.

all right./ok.

that's a good idea.

i agree(with you).

b. no, i don't think so.

i'm afraid not.

i really can't agree with you.

c. yes, maybe.

you may be right.

状元典例。maths is as interesting as english, i think.

english is more interesting than maths.

a. i think so b. i don't think so

c. i hope so d. i don't hope so



14. 表示肯定和不肯定 expressing certainty and uncertainty

a. i'm sure.

i'm sure(that)…

b. i'm not sure.

i'm not sure whether/if…

c. maybe./perhaps.

15. 喜好和厌恶 likes and dislikes

a. i like/love…(very much)

i like/love to…

b. i don't like(to)…

i hate(to)…

16. 谈论天气 talking about the weather

a. what's the weather like today?

how's the weather in…?

b. it's fine/cloudy/windy/rainy…

it's rather warm/cold/hot etc. today, isn't it?

17. 购物 shopping

a. what can i do for you?may/can i help you?

b. i want/i'd like…/let me h**e…kilo/box…

how much is it?

that's too expensive,i'm afraid.

that's fine. i'll take it.

c. how many/much do you want?


交际用语命题趋势与 根据对交际用语部分近几年高考试题的分析可知,今后该部分重点考查 1 打 方面的交际用语。2 劝告和建议方面的交际用语。3 感谢与应答方面的交际用语。4 祝愿 祝贺及应答方面的交际用语。5 请求允许和应答方面的交际用语。6 邀请与应答方面的交际用语。7 提供帮助和应答方面的交际用语...

中考英语语法专题讲解 介词

1.熟练掌握常用介词的基本用法 表示时间 地点 位置 方式等 如 in,on,at,of,to,from,by,with,for,about,after,before等。2.掌握常用动词 形容词与介词 副词的固定搭配及其意义。3.理解所学介词的一般用法。介词又叫前置词,是一种虚词,不能单独作句子成分...


交际用语分类总结。1.告别。考点 see you.take care.难点 see you.道别时用语。同good bye.但有别于you see,你知道 如 you see everything has two sides.而take care 也是道别是用语,但表示 多保重 it s getti...